Linux FLServer Headless
Works this way:
sudo apt-get install Xvfb #Dependency
Xvfb :0 -screen 0 800x600x16 & export DISPLAY=:0.0 wine FLServer /p31337 /c ```:-) 
I have not seen this thread before, Helloween you rocks !
I’ve disabled and stopped my GUI and added these lines you tell us in the .bashrc
Xvfb :0 -screen 0 800x600x16 & export DISPLAY=:0.0
And using the screen package to get more convenient, so I cant quit the ssh session and the server keeps running
Now some possibilities, the goal is to get flserver start at boot :
- Disable the GUI to have a full CLI server with minimal cpu and ram usage and attack surface like an usual linux production server
- Use systemd (or another init system, just choose the one you want, it’s linux you’re free) to start flserver with those commands, combined with screen console to access to the flserver interface (if you have flhook). And also it will be safer to don’t run flserver as root.
silelmot wrote:
yeah, thanks to you i got flserver running in headless mode on my debian server, now just 2 questions:
what does /p31337 do?
and is it somehow possible to see stats in console (or just how many are connected and so on)/p stands for port number, so Helloween’s server port is 31337, so he changed the default port.
You probably can see stats if you have flhook. -
Yes off course, and you can also type flhook commands on your terminal. There is one to see current players online, if I remember well. You have too see this by enter ‘help’ in the prompt. Mine is Flhook 2.0.0 and working.
I used this script, with the display manager disabled and stopped :
#!/bin/bash Xvfb :0 -screen 0 800x600x16 & export DISPLAY=:0.0 cd /opt/flserver/game/Homlt_Adventuary_11.52/EXE/ screen wine ./FLServer.exe /c
I answered you too quickly, for the moment I don’t had the time to get this script run at system startup with a particular user. But this one actually works :
When you get this running automatically at system startup, the idea is to use screen -list to see in which screen console flserver.exe is running and then, a screen -r to be able to go to flhook console. Tested it manualy and actually working !
I use cd because it don’t worked with absolute path when i execute the .exe with wine, idk why for the moment.
I use cd because it don’t worked with absolute path when i execute the .exe with wine, idk why for the moment.
I believe that’s a limitation of [c]flserver.exe[/c] itself ([c]Freelancer.exe[/c] will run any from anywhere, but [c]flserver.exe[/c] needs to run in [c]EXE[/c]).
@Lady}{Diamond Nice tweak! Screen is my favorite command too… Instead of tmux
Optionally one thing left remote player manager ala hlsw but for the hook
Configure your server totally english with english locale utf-8 and try again…
I think it is language related. Also check VC libraries as vcrun140.dll, etc