Anybody know what happened to lancers
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Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible.The latest chapter in the Lancers Reactor saga.
Hehe, I think of it more traditionally.
When the Vikings of old started the internet, they used to put dead websites into longboats and fire flaming arrows into them to to send them from one world to the next!
Now THAT, is a saga
Well i hope they get it sorted soon, tbh its a real shame what’s been happening to it, and now it looks like its down again cos someone “forgot to put another fifty pence in the meter”
What TLR’s admin haven’t said is that the hack attack wasn’t your run of the mill attack, someone hijacked 3 servers, 1 in the UK, 1 in the US & the 3rd in russia, filled them with bots and flooded TLR on a massive scale, we’re talking terabits of bandwidth gone in seconds.
I’m not sure if their still being attacked as neither Turion nor Eraser have been on TS since the site went back down.
Can only hope not, I hate to see any website be attacked this way
Especially one that is such a widely recognised resource.
It is a shame, and I feel terribly sorry for BP and Eraser. They have gone through a lot recently, and things just are not working out for them.
Turion seems to be taking a lot of flack regarding the whole ordeal (a small portion of which I think is somewhat deserved, relating to things that happened a while back with the relaunching of the site’s relaunch), even though this latest spat of nonsense has been entirely outside of his control.
I’ve heard a few people scoff at the idea of “upstart” sites like this one trying to steal a bit of TLR’s pie in its moment of weakness, but personally I think these past few months have highlighted very clearly why having all of our eggs (or most of them, at any rate) in a single basket isn’t just a bad idea - it’s a terrible idea, and one that has at this point probably damaged the community as a whole more than the untimely death of the global server.
Is anyone able to get onto Lancers? Ive been going to…. I get nothing but a “downtime message”
They’re still working on it I believe.
What’s going on over there now???
New fourm or, has the other one been hijacked?HK
What’s going on over there now???
New fourm or, has the other one been hijacked?HK
A Very Long Drama was played out over there in the last two weeks M8, Basically it’s never going to be what it was again.
The old one is gone , the new one is under new managment cough .
Way to Go CatDog, I was going to be a lot less diplomatic about it and you saved me. Thanks…
Let me just say I am pointing anyone that will listen here instead of Lancers Reactor. For now I consider The Lancers Reactor a fond memory, and what is there doesn’t deserve the same name. That might change someday, but they will have to earn it back now.
The forum is rather… ‘striking’ isnt it… ::)
I wish MC luck, I really do.
The forum is rather… ‘striking’ isnt it… ::)
I wish MC luck, I really do.
Yes, another careful choice of words. See you guys are good for me, I am too blunt.
I hope the best for MC… Now there are others in the staff,…… (Ok, you can stop me now… ;D )
In my personal opinion I fink it’s best if people don’t talk about TLR to be honest.
This isn’t TLR, it’s not supposed to be TLR, and you don’t want to be overshadowed by TLR either!
Focusing, discussing, dissecting TLR runs the risk of associating Starport (with people visiting) as being a stop-gap TLR substitute. If TLR ever sorted itself out, they’d therefore go straight back to it.
It also won’t help fans of one site enjoy the other either in my lil opinion