Models Sharing Collection
This is a thread to index all the freely available models made for Freelancer modding! Unless specified otherwise, treat them as if offered under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license, meaning:
You must credit the author properly (Like “Credits: Thanks to <author> for their <ship name> model” somewhere in your mod)
Any derivatives you make from them must be similarly shared (You can’t take these, mod them further, then not share your new versions in the same way)
You can’t make money off them (No selling them or using them in commercial projects without additional discussion with the authors)I aim to collect every ready-to-use model here whose author permits their shared use. This is an ongoing effort. If you want to share your models here, please let me know!
I’ll be starting with what we’ve created for our own mod while trying to contact other authors to ask them to join this list.Ship Models Index:
Junkers Fighter Line from RealMcDyson: Pirate Destroyer from RealMcDyson: