New faction - no show up
I noticed you have:
nickname = fc_or2_loadout
archetype = xwing
equip = ge_oe_engine_01
equip = order_shield2, HpShield01
equip = infinite_power
equip = ge_s_scanner_02
equip = ge_s_tractor_01
equip = ge_s_thruster_01, HpThruster01
equip = armor_scale_0
equip = order_gun, HpWeapon01
equip = order_gun, HpWeapon02
equip = order_gun, HpWeapon03
equip = order_gun, HpWeapon04
equip = torpedo01_mark01, HpTorpedo01
cargo = torpedo01_mark01_ammo, 30
equip = torpedo01_mark01, HpTorpedo02
cargo = torpedo01_mark01_ammo, 30
equip = ge_s_cm_01, HpCM01
cargo = ge_s_cm_01_ammo, 30
equip = LargeWhiteSpecial, HpHeadlight01
equip = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight01
equip = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight02
equip = contrail01, HpContrail01
equip = contrail01, HpContrail02
equip = contrail01, HpContrail03
equip = contrail01, HpContrail04
equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight01
equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight02and in npc_ships.ini you define a ship with another loadout.
nickname = fc_or2_xwing_d18-d19
loadout = gd_order_loadout
level = d19
ship_archetype = xwing
pilot = pilot_police_ace
state_graph = FIGHTER
npc_class = lawful, class_fighter, d18, d19So your ship in the encounter lacks a proper loadout and so doesn’t appear. So either change the nickname in loadouts.ini to gd_order_loadout or in npcships.ini to fc_or2_loadout
The other problem is, in the area_defend.ini the procedure calls for:
ship_by_class = 1, 1, sc_fighters
pilot_job = defend_leader_job
make_class = wanderer
ship_by_class = 4, 4, sc_fighters, -1
pilot_job = defend_job
make_class = wanderer
formation_by_class = fighters
behavior = wander
arrival = all, -tradelane, -object_jump_gate
allow_simultaneous_creation = no
zone_creation_distance = 0
times_to_create = infinite[Creation]
permutation = 0, 3This means, the formation is created of one fighter at the encounter level (the one you define in the line: encounter = area_defend, 1, 0.070000)
and four fighters at a level -1, that means a level below the encounter level. As you have only one fighter level defined, they won’t show up. Try customizing the encounter by making some sort of area_defend_custom.ini and copy the stats deleting the -1.Example:
ship_by_class = 1, 1, sc_fighters
pilot_job = defend_leader_job
make_class = wanderer
ship_by_class = 3, 3, sc_fighters
pilot_job = defend_job
make_class = wanderer
formation_by_class = fighters
behavior = wander
arrival = all
allow_simultaneous_creation = no
zone_creation_distance = 0
times_to_create = infinite[Creation]
This one will create a four-ship patrol defending this area.
still got a prob!
faction_weight = li_p_grp, 20 faction_weight = fc_or2_grp, 20 faction_weight = li_n_grp, 1 faction_weight = gd_bh_grp, 20 faction_weight = co_hsp_grp, 1 faction_weight = co_me_grp, 1 faction_weight = co_ss_grp, 1 faction_weight = co_vr_grp, 1 faction_weight = co_be_grp, 1 faction_weight = co_kt_grp, 1 faction_weight = co_nws_grp, 1 faction_weight = co_ni_grp, 1 faction_weight = co_rs_grp, 1 faction_weight = co_shi_grp, 1 faction_weight = co_os_grp, 20 encounter = area_defend_custom, 19, 0.070000 faction = fc_or2_grp, 1.000000 encounter = area_defend, 1, 0.070000
I’ve taken the code you posted and added most of it to one of my experimentation mods, faction_prop.ini & initialworld.ini, I gave the faction the use of one of my npc_ship entries & loadout, added it to a custom zone in an empty system and sat back and watched them flying around the zone.
So the big question is, WTF are you doing wrong as I don’t have a problem with them.