Freelancer Path Generator *Alpha*
New version uploaded (added name + version to title bar of the window).
Extra functionality:
This now parses all files twice, the first time it finds all the jump objects, and the system they’re in.
The second time, it does as before, finds jump objects, and where they’re linking to.
This is because it now checks that the destination jump object exists in the system it says it exists in! So in mine, I was lazy…
fw04.ini has error NEAR line 150, system fw03 does not contain object fw03_to_fw04_hole
fw05.ini has error NEAR line 104, system fw03 does not contain object fw03_to_fw05_holeHope that’s clear enough an error message.
Due to the double parsing it takes an extra second or so to run the program, but it’s not noticeable.
It now also tells you how many paths are written in the 3 files (as an all together, not file per file!). 10500 paths generating, reading 70 files twice over (140 reads) in approximately 3 seconds aint too shabby.
Same link as before
Awesome! Next up is verifying whether the object actually is a jumpgate
Not sure what you mean, do you mean that they only match jumpgate to jumpgate? or jumphole to jumphole?
All objects are verified as legit objects according to the solararch.ini file first, but no matches to whether a jumpgate goes to a jumphole… afaik that’s all perfectly legal?
Oh, you didn’t mention it actually looks if the object is a jumpgate/jumphole. If so, even more awesome
Well, it does now…
Didn’t think properly: Basically this reads all systems - and finds objects with a “goto =” line to find nicknames for all jumpgates.It does this twice, the first time to find nicknames only, the second time to actually find the gate, type, links and all the rest of it. In this second parse it will check whether the nickname of the target location exists in the system it says it’s in. (so Li01_to_Li02 jumpgate, it’d check that Li02 has an Li02_to_Li01 jumpgate in it otherwise it’d throw an error).
I’ve now just made sure that the first parse will only register nicknames of valid jump objects as per the solararch.ini file - so bogus ones with a goto= line without an archetype that exists that is an actual jump object per the solararch, will no longer be added to the valid nickname list.
Okay, honestly heard nothing what-so-ever about any issues, problems or anything else. Had the odd “great”, “works fine”, “it’s working well”, “awesome” type comments, which don’t mention any problems arising in their paths (or whether they used the paths generated) - but wondering whether to just make it into a release version now?
If I do, I’ll add contact details to a help menu or something, so that feedback may be generated etc?
Any last thoughts, hints or requests?
I’ll implement it into SSM tonight and let ya know if any paths go to coordinate 0,0,0, usually inside of a sun
Can anyone tell me the crash offset when the flserver dies because of a faulty path file?
I dunno, but i’d assume that’d be a case of just removing any paths (so, no path for Li01 to Li02) and then try to do the jump?
Other than that, no idea.
Well, the point is the server does not crash without any path connections. The only time the server is involved when finding paths, is when missions require you to switch system. All other cases are client side only I think.
Anyways, even when doing missions and having no paths at all, the server will set the waypoint to the middle of the system (usually where the sun is^^), but it wont crash… -
Flserver is called when setting waypoints to different systems. Locally i think its just client.
You can have incorrect paths on the client, and server, however, if you have 9 gates or j/h it gets flaky (no best path) if you have 10+ it will crash the server.
Having no connections obviously is okYou can manually edit the paths providing that the shortest system path is replicated in either illegal or legal paths. The best method for this is to keep them either all J/H (illegal) or all JG(Legal).
I used the path generator, but there are loads of paths entirely missing, like only a few connections are actually acalculated and whole systems just get ignored…
Flserver is called when setting waypoints to different systems. Locally i think its just client.
What do you mean?
What do I have to do on the client to be sure, the server is “asked”? -
I used the path generator, but there are loads of paths entirely missing, like only a few connections are actually acalculated and whole systems just get ignored…
Flserver is called when setting waypoints to different systems. Locally i think its just client.
What do you mean?
What do I have to do on the client to be sure, the server is “asked”?Not giving me much to go on
Any chance of some extra details, which mod is it perchance? That way I can at least run it and verify the issue, and then work out where it’s gone wrong
It’d be a bonus if you could tell me which system as well - so I know what to look for -
It actually looks like the ini files were not decompressed… but I thought I did run it on a fl sdk installation…
Maybe it was just an error on my part. -
**You can also get a crash if a system contains 11+ JHs & JG combined when you set a waypoint course. This will occur even in vanilla FL. And the crash will happen in any system, not just the one with the extra jumps in it.
Edit : forgot to mention if the system doesn’t have paths leading to and from it, you don’t have to limit it to 10 jh/jgs, thanks F!R for reminding me of that.**
Probably wouldn’t hurt, it is on my to-do list for FLEC.