Anybody know what happened to lancers
The forum is rather… ‘striking’ isnt it… ::)
I wish MC luck, I really do.
The forum is rather… ‘striking’ isnt it… ::)
I wish MC luck, I really do.
Yes, another careful choice of words. See you guys are good for me, I am too blunt.
I hope the best for MC… Now there are others in the staff,…… (Ok, you can stop me now… ;D )
In my personal opinion I fink it’s best if people don’t talk about TLR to be honest.
This isn’t TLR, it’s not supposed to be TLR, and you don’t want to be overshadowed by TLR either!
Focusing, discussing, dissecting TLR runs the risk of associating Starport (with people visiting) as being a stop-gap TLR substitute. If TLR ever sorted itself out, they’d therefore go straight back to it.
It also won’t help fans of one site enjoy the other either in my lil opinion
In my personal opinion I fink it’s best if people don’t talk about TLR to be honest.
This isn’t TLR, it’s not supposed to be TLR, and you don’t want to be overshadowed by TLR either!
Focusing, discussing, dissecting TLR runs the risk of associating Starport (with people visiting) as being a stop-gap TLR substitute. If TLR ever sorted itself out, they’d therefore go straight back to it.
It also won’t help fans of one site enjoy the other either in my lil opinion
I like it, as I have no intention of returning there I will now disassociate the three letters with anything of importance and move on…
This is me forgetting all about it… Possessed: Definition, pos·sessed (p? zest?), adjective, 1. owned 2. controlled by an emotion or as if by an evil spirit; crazed; mad,… Ok, I feel better now… Muhahahahaha -
the site is up and running but by the looks of it the news is saying that there having problems with the domain and the main admin(unable to commuicate with him/her).
also there are decussion of a new site aswell. so there looking for ideas.
MentalChaos is the one u need to send ideas to.
heres his or her email address: [email protected] -
;D MC is definately having problems, the domain keeps changing, yesterday morning it pointed at Crazy’s site, last night some crappy board and this morning it’s back to Crazy’s site, this will probably be the last straw for most ppl.
I’ve already stated that MC should just shut TLR down and let the name fade into folklore, especially as the TLR that us old timers remember hasn’t been around for a couple of years, and will never come back. The FL community were quite happy to let the site de-evolve into nothing more than a modding resources site, if it hadn’t been for Taw & Esqy’s fun & games in OT the site would have been a ghost town, especially in it’s last 6 months, as the old site had very little forum activity outside of OT. If you remove all of the “flame” threads from the site that Crazy hosted, you’ll find that about 90% of the remaining posts were about modding, that’s all that the community needs from TLR & sites like the Starport, some place to get the modding resources/knowledge/help they need, they use their own clan/mod/server sites for general chit chat.
A glance at this link,*/
And looking at the page Counts Per Year tells the tale better that anything I can say.
I will remember that place and the many people that visited it, “Back Then.”
The Site, just like so many of the people, is truly gone forever. MC can put whatever he wants there now, I will not worry any further on it.
I want Freelancer to grow, having that as a open issue is not helping.
But I disagree on one point, we still need a “Contact Point” for Freelancer. Sure most established players have clan and server Forums to chat on. I am still hopeful someone that just decided to try Freelancer Multiplayer can find something to point them to the Server and Clan Forums. You have to KNOW how to make the in game server list to function now, so it is real important something is on the Web…
So what remains that will fill that task???
What’s going on over there now???
New fourm or, has the other one been hijacked?HK
A Very Long Drama was played out over there in the last two weeks M8, Basically it’s never going to be what it was again.
The old one is gone , the new one is under new managment cough .
Way to Go CatDog, I was going to be a lot less diplomatic about it and you saved me. Thanks…
Let me just say I am pointing anyone that will listen here instead of Lancers Reactor. For now I consider The Lancers Reactor a fond memory, and what is there doesn’t deserve the same name. That might change someday, but they will have to earn it back now.
It’s a shame that they didn’t even try to redo the old TLR themes instead of all the different ones they’ve been wasting time on. It was a nice looking site and everyone already knew how and where to surf it in order to find what they wanted. At least I did.
I’ve been reading so much about passwords published so the public can see them and switching the forums all the time, I’m not surprise. Security is most important on any forum. With that note in mind, it has concerned me with all my websites and my own forums as well. I have changed most of all my passwords and it’s confusing to try not to reuse the old ones.
I agree, TLR may as well shut down and retire to the most wanted to return, “Website Graveyard.” I have one there now, may it rest in the memories of all who visited. I would like for it to be revived as it were but, I don’t think it will ever happen?
This site is dedicated to Freelancer alone and I thank you for it. No other games should be a part of a Freelancer Community other than it’s predecessor, “Starlancer.”
Keep up the good work you’re doing here and try to revive all of Freelaners original data for all to use.
Well thank you for the words of support! You have NO idea what it means to me to know that the Freelancer community shows such support for us at TLR! ;D
As for TLR, we’ll get it worked out. We just need time.
But once again, thanks for the support!
the sarcasm is irradiating from your persona
I’ve been reading so much about passwords published so the public can see them and switching the forums all the time, I’m not surprise. Security is most important on any forum. With that note in mind, it has concerned me with all my websites and my own forums as well. I have changed most of all my passwords and it’s confusing to try not to reuse the old ones.
Erm, think you misunderstood… The passwords aren’t public, I don’t know anyone else’s password at all (for instance). However, the passwords were stored clear text in the original DB. That DB resides in several hands, which isn’t exactly what I’d have wanted when signing up (or know how poor security was!)… and certain people may very well, or do, have access that you would probably (given their track record) not wish them to have access to them.
It’s a warning about a vulnerability, not a general scare people to death!
I agree, TLR may as well shut down and retire to the most wanted to return, “Website Graveyard.” I have one there now, may it rest in the memories of all who visited.
I disagree, I don’t like what TLR currently is or the way it’s run, but I voice my opinion by not registering there and ignoring it. I don’t think people want others to bash the crap out of TLR here either, where warning is due - give warning so that people may exercise prudence. However, there’s no point crying over spilt milk - and I don’t for one second think it’ll “die” either.
Well thank you for the words of support! You have NO idea what it means to me to know that the Freelancer community shows such support for us at TLR! ;D
As for TLR, we’ll get it worked out. We just need time.
But once again, thanks for the support!
the sarcasm is irradiating from your persona
lol I’m a sarcastic person. I’m along the lines of Jack O’Neill sarcastic! lmao
And thank you Torch, its nice to see some support every now and then.
hehe ^_^