Programming Lessons
Actually, I had quite a big discussion with Hazard the other day about the differences between both languages…. We didn’t really find a definite answer on whichever is better, but it was fun ;D
I hope he doesn’t take those replies badly and am totally waiting for those tutorials. Get going already!
Good luck finding a .NET compiler for Linux ::)
As for the all the posts, debates are fun even if FF did kick my ass in them lmao
but I appreciate the enthusiasm StarTrader - I already got some lesson notes down let me know what you think (that includes everyone)
Lesson 1
To teach you about variables, scope and string manipulation with a small amount of file management\manipulation I have decided to teach you how to decode an FL File and read the players name from it (as well as decode the name) alongside his money value and then encode it again!The topics that will be covered are:
-Basic Form Design and the Toolbox
-Coding Conventions (naming controls, lblMain and frmSplash etc.)
-Referencing a .NET DLL-Subroutines & Functions (how they work and differences)--------------------------------------------|
-Using that DLL in your code to decode a player file (easier than it all sounds believe me!)-| THESE 3 ARE LINKED
-Explanation of scope using the DLL as an example----------------------------------------------------Classes--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
-Why use a class?, why not put the subroutines/functions in the form code?---------------------|-------
-Using StreamReader Object from the .NET Framework to read from a file (EXTREMELY useful)|-How to use string manipulation to get the information you do want whilst deleting that which you don’t
-Loops and different kind of loops-Displaying that information in a label or any other medium you may choose
I’m not a great explainer of things but have tried really hard to think of easy explanations for everything that will be happening in my up and coming video tutorial, obviously these things take time - but tomorrow I should have some time spare to get most of it done…
You think? I thought it was the opposite
But in any case, I’ll always have some respect for VB.NET; I started non-web programming there (started programming in Java and Java is mostly web stuff). Plus, it seems like it did get some more features since I last checked it out, which is good.
Eagerly awaiting the rest of your tuts, I may learn a trick or two
One exists - its called mono, doesn’t support ALL .NET functions yet, think it is 3/4 of the way through completing .NET 2.0 then moving onto 3.5 - but yeah it does exist google Mono, Linux .NET
Oh man, you just saved my day just by replying to FF’s post ;D
One exists - its called mono, doesn’t support ALL .NET functions yet, think it is 3/4 of the way through completing .NET 2.0 then moving onto 3.5 - but yeah it does exist google Mono, Linux .NET
Oh man, you just saved my day just by replying to FF’s post ;D
Haha anything to prove FF wrong at something
just a little friendly competition lmao
but yeah not sure how good it is but if you use it let me know
That’s VIMaster speaking right there ::)
-Lord Geekiness aka FF
–---------------------------------------This file is an interactive flash document - I’m new to making interactive flash videos let me know if it is useful…
Prelim. Tutorial:
Shows how I tend to start my project
Sets you up/demonstrates how to create a project ready for the next tutorial in the Preliminary Series (A Simple Calculator)
Clickable interface allows you to choose a section of the IDE and I will happily explain it too youKnown Issues:
Browsers aren’t designed for such huge amounts of flash - and Personally I dont think flash was designed for such huge amount of flash, a memory leak appears to happen sometimes over long periods of viewing… :S
EDIT: Apparently flash 9.0 has a huge problem with a memory leak when using the screen recording software I use - SOOO I’m going to recompile for 8.0 will let you know when thats done…
EDIT 2: Compiling in a diff version of flash solved nothing… its due to how many full motion videos I have in the flash file let me know if the memory problem becomes too much…
The tutorial can be streamed online now courtesy of SP: Tutorial.htm
What’s VI? ???
Do I need it? ???
Hazard, thanks for making them downloadable, I can keep them on my machine and that’s great, I’m a slow learner at times.
At the moment I don’t have the time to do much but I very much want to follow and will do asap.
Can I make a gentle suggestion to you guys?
OK here goes anyway, and it’s meant kindly - would you please reduce the size of your signature flags on your posts, they are huge and annoying!
Thanks if you agree to comply.
If not then I’m going to be miserable and more and more grumpy with the increasing size of this thread.
lol, i havent had time to have a bash at it but ill give it a go in the next few days
last day of college tomorrow WOOT!11!1!!?1!11!1oneone!!1one!