Banner Size?
Can I suggest changing the allowed image size from 400 to 468? The reason is because most ad banners are 468x60. The forum auto resizes banners, but it does it via html and the results are less than desirable. I guess I could make a special banner for Starport, I’m just lazy. Lol.
400 was set as an arbitrary limit mostly because it was a round number that fitted well within the site. I’ve never heard of “standard” 468px-wide banners and haven’t actually seen any banner following this format, so you’re actually making me learn something there
I will however modify the post and component to allow banners up to 468px wide.
EDIT: Updated. I’ve also fixed your news item, which somehow was displaying improperly.
You are the man!
468x60 is the standard Google ad width and height. Most other banner advertisers follow the same dimensions because Google is like Windows: everyone uses it. I usually make my banners with those dimensions so I can plug them into my ad rotations without having to resize.