Freelancer: Still Alive
- heres a link to my video chanel some from my server some from other servers i have played on
That WTS vidoe was great! Simple yet so effective!
And I cant get enougg of the WT video! I love watching that ;D
The problem is it needs to be ingame footage like Why has described previously
the intro is awesome for WTS but aint useable : / its all CGI and doesnt refelect what the game actually looks like ^^
doesnt refelect what the game actually looks like ^^
Maybe not.
But as Intro it’s very effective. And you see al kind of ships what is in the mod.
And for more gameplay, there are a lot of movies already to find on YoutubeIf i found a good intro, i become curious “If the intro is this nice, how does the game look like??”
Heard of Killzone 2? There was a trailer that came out when the game was in earlier stages of development. It was all CG but looked like it was ingame. When people learned it was CG there was a MAJOR backlash at Sony and Guerilla (the publisher and developer, respectively).
We’re better off putting out something that really represents the game, otherwise we might as well make a new CG movie advertising FL that has nothing to do with how FL looks. When people get in, they’ll say “WTF? This is nothing like the advert!” and leave, pissed off.
Can I ask what everyone is using to do these videos with (editing software wise)?
I noticed a few things that could be altered and improved… sorry its my Film Course coming back to haunt me!
The video FriendlyFire posted of WT actually contains some pretty good footage. Stuff close to that would be best. Ideally done with the HUD and Camera ship tweaks I posted though.
The WTS intro posted by Predator is fantastic. Is it fake? Yes, but it works excellent as a draw. It was very creative and very memorable. I actually really liked that.
In reference to using CG. I used to use CG to create promotional images for Flak.
Click image for higher resolution.
There is a funny story behind this though. This image now serves as the splash screen for 88 Flak, and as such I designed it to be representative of the gameplay in the mod. It is in fact 100% accurate in gameplay aspects, as everything you see happening there can and does happen on a regular basis. However graphically, this was also my target render. I wanted Freelancer to look this good. In fact that “target render” was actually the basis of several effects that I made afterwards such as the battledust and ambient explosion systems, even my bloom configs. However if you look at my latest Itano Circus screenshots, this one in particular:
Click image for higher resolution.
I honestly hand on heart believe that I’ve not only met my target render, but surpassed it as well. That image is a 100% unmodified ingame screenshot, and I think it looks better than my target render.
I’m not entirely sure what the point of that story was, but it is something I’ve been wanting to say, so there it is.
@ Roo Avery,
For the benchmark video I created, I used Fraps to record the ingame source footage, and then an old version of Adobe Premier to piece it together.
TBH I’m not too fond of CG. Why? Because it IS awesome, but unless the CG is very well balanced and the mod is extremely good-looking, there is a high chance that there will be a certain “deception factor” once you get into the actual game. If you get primed up by awesome CG only to stumble on an okay-looking game, you may just decide to pass. If you were drawn by actual graphics, you won’t be deceived. It’s actually possible that by giving too good CG, you LOSE possible players because of that initial feel.
However, I’m not necessarily saying what you guys did is not good; all I’m saying is that it is a tool to use with much caution.
Hey I am big Why485 fan, you make those effects rly cool
Ok i hope u dont mind if i will post movie of combat system on Hamburg City server we made yesterday. It was big Battle with Capital ships with mobile spawn points and clan base system where goal of clans is to destroy enemy base
There is no special grpahix but only shows gameplay and action with zoom cinematic oh and its my first movie in Adobe premiere.
There is also one more way how we could promote Freelancer.
Some of you here got real skill with video editing so why you dont all unite and make Freelancer series or movie (like stargate) but with in game footage with pilots sounds communicating with eachother, intensive story( which we have loads out there xD ) This way freelancer players will find themself in this movie and promote to their friends: “look this is what i play and i am part of” In freelancer you can make endless storys, clans could also contribute their storys (prefered based on real events) So we promote freelancer and its community. -
The idea has a lot of potential. It would take a great deal of effort… the editing is only half the job.
You need it scripted, storybaorded, you then need all the Mod creators to pass authorisation for thier mods to be included. You need voice actors, male and female. Etc etc.
It’s a great idea however and I really do like it.
…… they’ll say “WTF? This is nothing like the advert!” and leave, pissed off.
… disproof by 25+ years of M$ Windows.
;D -
Why do you think OSX and Linux are gaining momentum while people are sticking to XP and torrenting Windows like crazy? ::)
Why do you think OSX and Linux are gaining momentum …
Cause some pebs noticed, they can earn money with that and started PR 4. (small example)
… while people are sticking to XP and torrenting Windows like crazy? ::)
25 years is a nice while, so some learned, that it’s better 2 let others pay 4 beta testing of a new M$ OS.
Try 2 get that back 2 the topic:
What i m trying 2 say is
–- PR is able 2 sell stuff
— PR isn’t about telling people about disadvantages
— if we wait 4 a perfect FL PR solution, the discussion might never end.(PS. i d prefer pictures 4 PR)
Freelancer nearly has more mods then players and soon to be as many community sites! How many here i wonder are interested in saving the game? The reality is they are more worried about saving their “Admin” status. All good things must come to an end …. so what are we discussing here exactly ??? talking about best way to jump ship? or about the best way to make freelancer the best gaming experience possible while it is still alive? The title of this topic suggests it is about saving freelancer but to me ill suited topic name. “Mission Save my Admin Status”/“save my community site” would be more apt. or how about making a thread called “shitting on the little guy” ? heh all i see is bitching moaning and people putting others with ideas down… 200 moders with 200 players isnt a good ratio. erm hi
lol AzzA man, im pretty damn sure everyone here is intrested in saving FL, not thier admin status, we all love this game, so we are trying our hardest (some more than others) to keep it going, to keep the game we cherrish alive
200 moders and 200 players is fine, and say atleast half the moders play thier own mods, i know i do
even if its not done
and yea, everyone is moaning about everyone elses ideas because they envision themselves thier own way of how it should be done, we just need to come to a idea that everyone agrees on
inb4 shitstorm