New to Freelancer, want to say hello and ask some ask
…. i d prefer the 1.4beta4.And please check on the mods Homepage 1st,
if you need to activate any patches / addons / etc.Some mods include that stuff and you might
corrupt your FL or mod installation. -
ok, i downloaded the 1.4 Mod Manager and the Mod.
I activated the Andromeda mod and run the game.But now how can i get the ship in Multiplayer?
(I have a new Character with just 2000 Credits, i know that iam to low at skill but it would be nice to see the andromeda in an shop to know that everything works, not that i play 100 Hours and the mod does not work
How can i test it?)
Thanks for help
Does every ship dealer have the same ships ?
And i had to get a better rank to get access? -
ok… does someone know the mod good enough to tell me wich planet it is?
…. i d prefer the 1.4beta4.Any particular reason 1.4 beta is better than 1.3? Personally i find 1.4 is utter rubbish as it doesn’t delete mods after you deactivate them, corrupts freelancer on a regular basis, plus it’s script parseing is different meaning it won’t activate some mods correctly. Stick to 1.3 if you don’t want a headache and constantly re-installing FL
…. a prior version of WTS didn’t activat proper with 1.31.
I didn’t test it with the one we run now
(where it might not matter).And i don’t know (remember) if 1.31 supports 7z packed mod files.
You’re right about that, i know 1.31 doesn’t support 7z packed mod files which i know is a requirement for some mods. 1.4 just makes me frustrated to the point where i want to pick up the pc and throw it through the window. This is the main reason i went back to 1.31, less stressful lol
Welcome to The Starport & the happy world of Freelancer. ;D
Does every ship dealer have the same ships ?
And i had to get a better rank to get access?Sorry this has taken so long. I do check Starport very often. Im the creator of the Andromeda Expierment and leader of the Common Wealth Mod Studio.
You need to go into the Common Wealth systems and go to Sol. Theres a shipyard in orbit of Earth, Newport News Orbital Shipyard. Theres the only place you can get Andromeda and its Weapons.