Freelancer Character Designer
Hey fellow modders,
Not sure if any of you will find this useful… it’s a little tool I’ve put together to help as a visual aid for adding characters to bases etc…
Any feedback, or ideas will be warmly recieved.
I’ve also put the source (.FLA) avaiable for download there.
Rik -
Very useful, thx rik_starkiller
EDIT: Will be in the new version of the Freelancer Tools Pack.
Not being rude or anything but FlCedit by TheJkWhoSaysNi does exactly the same thing and shows the whole body. Been around for years and is a fine utility.
Also this new one doesn’t do female heads or bodies, try it, all you get is male heads and bodies so personally i don’t find it that useful at all
Hi Gibbon, appreciate your opinion… looks like you found a little bug (caused after I added the loader) :-[ it’s fixed now… if you click Female… it will work.
I’ve also updated the downloads.
Hi Stormblast, no problem, if you’ve alreaded downloaded the .swf etc I suggest you get it again…
As far as I’m aware FlCedit doesn’t give you the code that can be easily cut and pasted into mbases.ini… please correct me if I’m wrong.
Rik -
Ah my precious megabytes. ;D
Everything helpful is… helpful, Rik.
I like some of those sexy female leg sets!
Has / Can anyone crack the .dfm format so we can create new heads / faces?
I would like some Kilrathi heads. ;D
If it has it been done already, can I get a copy? Â
Sorry if i sounded a bit harsh with my comment, wasn’t meant that way. Glad you fixed the female button, now it’s become handy lol
One suggestion, i’m assuming this is all based on the code in the bodyparts file. Is there any way you could get it to read the same file but from a mod? I’m thinking that a few of us have added other accessories and heads and god knows what else, would be cool if they showed up as well. The head pictures you have are from photographs, is it also possible to see the heads on their own directly from th edfm files?
Hi Gibbon,
No problem, no offence taken
I’m afraid it’s not as clever as that. I’m not a programmer (hence its in Flash with only a little ActionScript)…
so I’m afraid its all static and not based on the files at all. Sorry!Rik
I like some of those sexy female leg sets!
Me too, now all my characters will be female. ;D
I’m afraid it’s not as clever as that. I’m not a programmer (hence its in Flash with only a little ActionScript)…
so I’m afraid its all static and not based on the files at all. Sorry!maybe you could get this with AIR(Flash on Desktop), it is able to read the file system, maybe you could open the files, but only maybe!
@Rik: Like to help in another Flash/Flex project? -
Has / Can anyone crack the .dfm format so we can create new heads / faces?
I would like some Kilrathi heads. ;D
If it has it been done already, can I get a copy? Â
The new UTF editor can do this.
Here if you don’t have it you don’t know with what to open a file open it with notepad and look at the encoding on the top e.g. UTF, then use the program you normaly use to open the files of that type.
I use Notepad++