Freelancer Gamer Package v1.01
I just collected some tools into an archive - I call it “Freelancer Gamer Package” (FGP).
I made this package expecially for newbies to allow them a better start into the game.
Though, this package is also helpful for advanced players,
since they may didn’t get every tool which this package includes.
I also made the package to have all tools together so you won’t have to search every single
and small tool by yourself.Tools included are:
a) GLS Workaround (Multiplayer patch)
b) FreeLancer ModManager (FLMM)
c) FreeLancer DataStorm (FLDS)
d) Freelancer Account Manager (FAM)
e) Shizzolancer (also known as “Shizzo”, “SL”.)
f) Font-Resizer
g) Equipment GuideDownload 1.01:
- Added FL Priority Manager to avoid lags which are CPU related
- Updated FL Font-Resizer to Version 2.0
Old Download Links (version 1.00):
FL Gamer Package [7z][Yaki Syndicate Mirror Service]
Freelancer Gamer Package @
It would be really nice if someone could mirror it…Hm, why I didn’t uploaded it to TSP? °_° (Sorry won’t upload it again now because we only have DSL 2000 and I don’t want to suck my brother again
However, after X-Mas I will be offline for approx. a week.)
Have fun, Happy X-Mas!
€: Hm, just forgot to wrote some important links into the readme. If someone want to mirror it you could do me a favour by writting me a message in an Instant Messenger (= ICQ, MSN, Xfire etc.) so I can give you the missing text passage.
€²: I wrote the missing part of the .txt:
V. Links
–—Community links: (German) (German) (English and German)
GLS Workaround -
Font-Resizer -
Equipment Guide - you want to upload the archive to a mirror (for example Starport) please add these lines to the readme.
**A no-wait link has been added here**
Thank you for your mirror!
I will put all mirrors into the first posting
However, already found another tool for the package, FL Priority Manager, which do start Freelancer in a higher priority than normal to prevent lags.
I also found another tools like Freelancer Companion, Weblauncher, Quickfix, FLTT (Freelancer Trading Tool) & FLSDK.
But unfortunaly I didn’t get a reply from the authors till yet, and I don’t like to include them into my package without permission. (A point against this argument is that all tools listen above are already avaliable to the public) In addition, SDK isn’t for players (afaik) and I don’t know how I can start FLTT (Tried with Open Office Base but didn’t work)
No problem, just post here when u have a new version available and I will update the one on my site…
Download 1.01:
- Added FL Priority Manager to avoid lags which are CPU related
- Updated FL Font-Resizer Version to 2.0
In addition, SDK isn’t for players (afaik) and I don’t know how I can start FLTT (Tried with Open Office Base but didn’t work)
Freelancer SDK also works as an unofficial patch for FL, some mods don’t work if you don’t have it installed over FL.
This means that it can be used as a client side patch, and as a SDK what it’s name implies. -
Louva-Deus is going to help me to get these files into a webinstaller.
And he told me that I should ask you, the modders/owners/admins about some things.
Should FreeLancer DataStorm get removed from the package? (Due to the exploring experience, though, modders can disable it if I am not mistaken? PLUS I think it is up to every player by himself if they want to spoil or not and it is a useful tool even for me as vanilla player since you can check things like weaps, bribes/hacks, etc.)
Should FreeLancer Companion (Trading tool) integrated? Same reasons as above.
Should ID changers allowed in? I personally suggest that yes, because you even can change the ID with XYZ (censored ;)), and the most server admins hate the 5-char limit rule.
(Reasons against (IMHO low-important): ID stealing, gettint beyond the char limit, using new/other IDs to bypass bans -
I left out a makro tool (from a HC user) because it can cause spamm in chat which really sucks (I encountered this some times), yeah, I personally use this but only for commands like /ping or ID changes. I don’t recommend it to get into the package.
I am also going to write a mod for the package, features:
- HUD Changes
- Other skins for eagle and nomads (just colour changes)
- improved cl9 and nomad gun effects (and/or using project weapons)
- increased scanner range for already visited bases (for example, if you already visited Base Leon it would be visible earlier than 15k) - Not sure about how CD will react on this.
- Option to disable intro videos
- GLS Workaround
- maybe chat-logging service, have to ask W0dk4 about
- Some additional infocards for bases, nebulas etc. which don’t have one (for example, Omicron Gamma nebula, etc.) - That goes especially for the unfinished edge worlds.
As soon as I published it as final or as pre-version you are allowed to use the features for your own mod (though I would prefer to know in which mods/where what got included ;))
I am also going to mod some few server only changes, for instance I would like to try to make many small encounter zones instead of few larger ones - Then we could test F!R’s theory with the NPCs (atm I can’t run the mod because I don’t have a server atm but I will publish it and if you want to test it you are allowed to)
(But mod will take a bit cause of the other work I have to do here and RL and the learning of modding ;D)
Feel free to discuss about the points I mentioned above.
FL Companion & FLStat got a bad rep due to abuse… shame…
I personaly love both of them as a modder and a player but as a player i exersise “restraint” (mostly lol) and
leave the tools “at home” … as a clan subleader though… they were invaluble…
Its a hard choice… but i’d leave em in …& take out Datastorm…Stat can be broken and “lied” too anyways…
NO ID changers… geesh… ;D we got enough problems with peeps getting banned then returning with a new AccID and fresh name… hehe thats why god made the IP address lol… anyways ive had the same AccID ever since day1… why change it?
rest sounds nice… that all woulda come in handy 2 years ago when i started
Good luck with it…