Big hello to everyone.
Good evening all, finally shifted my lazy butt over here to sign in …
A big thank you to everyone keeping this game alive, wherever you are. Special mentions to go to w0dk4 and Cannon
for tirelessly improving the software to allow the developers to push the boundaries of the original game.
And in my case, to Igiss for the vision of the Discovery Mod, where I spend my time, and to our team of developers.
Thanks to Starport for getting everyone back together again in one place. I’ll try to keep up with it all …Hoodlum
Welcome to the Starport Fellow Hoodlum.
It is good to see Discovery staff around on SP, atleast staff what comes forward as Discovery staff.
Please feel at home.
hey cheers buddy discovery is preety cool.
Welcome to the party dude… It’s about time you showed up.