Solararch issue
On MU we have a destructable bases event. The problem we have is this. If in the solararch.ini you specify the base as a “Station” you get this error in the flserver errors log
1c: E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CSolar.cpp(109) : *** ERROR: 0x8b364584 is dockable, but doesn’t have a valid base or system to go to
If you change the solarch entry to be “Satellite” the base will attack you after you’ve pissed it off but the turrets despite being of the same rep as the base stay green and ignore you.
Is there a way to keep the turrets so they shoot yo when you piss the base off but without having the above error message ?
Just guessing
- but you might have defined it
in your system ini without proper entry for
base = ……
dock_with = …or the base to dock might be missing.
(My personal problem #1.)
A ‘base core’ with different or missing rep
and the turrets located there?How did you define your stuff?
- but you might have defined it
Same solution than for my prob i had a while ago, change your archtyp from satellite to mission_satellite
mission_satellite……of course *hits head against wall for not thinking of it"
Thanks mindhunter
I take that back changing the destruct bases to mission_satellite is the same as having it as satellite. When you shoot the base it turns red and shoots back but the wep platforms still stay green despite the fact they are the same reputation as the base.
If it can be fixed then ill leave it as it was, its been that way for over a year now and we have never had any crashes because of it.
Just means i cant say the mod is error free.
I’m not sure, but I thought this was a problem inherent to the game? I’ve seen this happen frequently: if you just shot a base, the surrounding solars would not become hostile (unless there are NPCs in the area? not sure about that one). You’d have to shoot actual ships for that to happen.
At least, that’s what happens when I tested on my own by pissing off a vanilla base with vanilla weapon platforms close-by.
reputation = **_*_grp ==>> to all objects belonging to chosen faction will set them all red when 1 gets angry with you and within distance… Also…
parent = “BASECODE”…
This is the code from XLR… A base with guns and Defence platforms surrounding… also a zone for npcs (to be safe)
nickname = Bw07_03
pos = -23605, 0, -47211
ids_info = 458765
behavior = NOTHING
pilot = pilot_solar_hard
dock_with = Bw07_03_Base
base = Bw07_03_Base
reputation = xm_mrc_grp
rotate = 0, 0, 0
archetype = merc_dock_01
ids_name = 458999
loadout = merc_dock_01
difficulty_level = 19
space_costume = benchmark_male_head, benchmark_male_body
voice = mc_leg_m01[Zone]
nickname = Zone_Bw07_pop_ambient_01
pos = -23069, 0, -46942
rotate = 0, 0, 0
shape = SPHERE
size = 7242
comment = MERCBASE pop
sort = 51
toughness = 19
density = 4
repop_time = 25
max_battle_size = 3
pop_type = Background
relief_time = 35
population_additive = false
faction_weight = xm_mrc_grp, 20
faction_weight = gd_z_grp, 20
encounter = area_defend, 19, 1.000000
faction = xm_mrc_grp, 0.800000
faction = gd_z_grp, 0.200000[Object]
nickname = Bw07_small_wplatform_1
reputation = xm_mrc_grp
pos = -23900, 0, -47600
rotate = 315, 0, 0
archetype = sm_merc_wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = sm_merc_weapon_platform
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = Bw07_small_wplatform_2
reputation = xm_mrc_grp
pos = -23300, 0, -47600
rotate = 45, 0, 0
archetype = sm_merc_wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = sm_merc_weapon_platform
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = Bw07_small_wplatform_3
reputation = xm_mrc_grp
pos = -23300, 0, -46900
rotate = 135, 0, 0
archetype = sm_merc_wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = sm_merc_weapon_platform
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = Bw07_small_wplatform_4
reputation = xm_mrc_grp
rotate = 225, 0, 0
pos = -23900, 0, -46900
archetype = sm_merc_wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = sm_merc_weapon_platform
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardestworks great for me … i shoot ANYTHING belonging to MERC in this area… I GO BOOM!!.. from many different places BASE/PLATS/NPC’s … oh and yes… everything in XLR is killable
so i’ve seen these problems too
Hope this helped… - Xar. ;D
We have destrcutible stations since a while.
They consist of
– the visible base (‘Station’)
– hidden/invisible base, where the ships are docked (‘Station’)And if you bug the visible base
it will go red and it’s turrets will shoot @ you.But with the very small info you gave it’s a little hard 2 say.
But here s my old script:for the base=================================================================================
and here the one for placing a specific one : -
It might be worth checking out your empathy.ini file and seeing what you have for that faction at the top. And has anything been altered in one of the binaries? Common.dll I think it is contains variables such as how friendly you need to be with a faction for them to ignore your fire. Although not directly pertaining to the base you’re shooting it, you might want to check ou the limit breaking bit, and seeing what you have relating to factions etc.
;D … yea
- or the turrets use ammo and have no.
From solararch.ini
nickname = unlawfull_destruct01_01
ids_name = 262040
ids_info = 66925
type = STATION <<<<<<<<<<<< change to satellite or mission_satellite and base turns red when shot wplatforms stay green
DA_archetype = solar\misc\station_large_b_lod_nodock.cmp
material_library = solar\Solar_mat_dockable02.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
LODranges = 0, 2000, 3000, 4000, 7000, 40000
mass = 10000.000000
solar_radius = 800
shape_name = NAV_largestation
hit_pts = 10000000
destructible = true
shield_link = capship_shield, HpMount, HpShield02, HpShield03, HpShield04, HpShield05, HpShield06, HpShield07
explosion_arch = explosion_battleship
fuse = dyson_generator_fuse, 0.000000, 4[Solar]
nickname = lawfull_destruct01_01
ids_name = 262039
ids_info = 66925
type = STATION
DA_archetype = solar\misc\station_large_b_lod_nodock.cmp
material_library = solar\Solar_mat_dockable02.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
LODranges = 0, 2000, 3000, 4000, 7000, 40000
mass = 10000.000000
solar_radius = 800
shape_name = NAV_largestation
hit_pts = 10000000
destructible = true
shield_link = capship_shield, HpMount, HpShield02, HpShield03, HpShield04, HpShield05, HpShield06, HpShield07
explosion_arch = explosion_battleship
fuse = dyson_generator_fuse, 0.000000, 4[Solar]
nickname = Capship_destruct01
ids_name = 273000
ids_info = 273002
type = STATION
DA_archetype = solar\misc\station_large_b_lod_nodock.cmp
material_library = solar\Solar_mat_dockable02.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
LODranges = 0, 2000, 3000, 4000, 7000, 40000
mass = 10000.000000
solar_radius = 800
shape_name = NAV_largestation
hit_pts = 20000000
destructible = true
shield_link = capship_shield, HpMount, HpShield02, HpShield03, HpShield04, HpShield05, HpShield06, HpShield07
explosion_arch = explosion_battleship
fuse = dyson_generator_fuse, 0.000000, 4[Solar]
nickname = Capship_destruct02
ids_name = 273001
ids_info = 273003
type = STATION
DA_archetype = solar\misc\station_large_b_lod_nodock.cmp
material_library = solar\Solar_mat_dockable02.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
LODranges = 0, 2000, 3000, 4000, 7000, 40000
mass = 10000.000000
solar_radius = 800
shape_name = NAV_largestation
hit_pts = 20000000
destructible = true
shield_link = capship_shield, HpMount, HpShield02, HpShield03, HpShield04, HpShield05, HpShield06, HpShield07
explosion_arch = explosion_battleship
fuse = dyson_generator_fuse, 0.000000, 4From system.ini
nickname = unlawfull_destruct01
pos = 54846, 0, -74846
ids_info = 66925
behavior = NOTHING
reputation = cl_redbase_grp
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
archetype = unlawfull_destruct01_01
ids_name = 262040
loadout = unlawfull_destruct01_lod
difficulty_level = 19[Object]
nickname = lawfull_destruct01
pos = 54846, 0, -21866
ids_info = 67925
behavior = NOTHING
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
reputation = cl_greenbase_grp
archetype = lawfull_destruct01_01
ids_name = 262039
loadout = lawfull_destruct01_lod
difficulty_level = 19[Object]
nickname = unlaw_wplatform_1
reputation = cl_redbase_grp
pos = 53500, 0, -74846
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = unlaw_wplatform_2
reputation = cl_redbase_grp
pos = 53493, 0, -73475
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = unlaw_wplatform_3
reputation = cl_redbase_grp
pos = 56192, 0, -74846
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = unlaw_wplatform_4
reputation = cl_redbase_grp
pos = 56192, 0, -73500
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = unlaw_wplatform_5
reputation = cl_redbase_grp
pos = 54852, 0, -75998
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = unlaw_wplatform_6
reputation = cl_redbase_grp
pos = 54889, 0, -72411
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = law_wplatform_1
reputation = cl_greenbase_grp
pos = 53500, 0, -21866
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = law_wplatform_2
reputation = cl_greenbase_grp
pos = 53500, 0, -20500
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = law_wplatform_3
reputation = cl_greenbase_grp
pos = 56192, 0, -21866
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = law_wplatform_4
reputation = cl_greenbase_grp
pos = 56192, 0, -20500
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = law_wplatform_5
reputation = cl_greenbase_grp
pos = 54843, 0, -22908
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = law_wplatform_6
reputation = cl_greenbase_grp
pos = 54861, 0, -19657
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = Capship_destruct01
pos = -54846, 0, -74846
ids_info = 273002
behavior = NOTHING
reputation = cl_redbase_grp
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
archetype = Capship_destruct01
ids_name = 273000
loadout = Capship_destruct01_lod
difficulty_level = 19[Object]
nickname = Capship_destruct02
pos = -54846, 0, -21866
ids_info = 273003
behavior = NOTHING
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
reputation = cl_greenbase_grp
archetype = Capship_destruct02
ids_name = 273001
loadout = Capship_destruct02_lod
difficulty_level = 19[Object]
nickname = unlaw_wplatform_7
reputation = cl_redbase_grp
pos = -53500, 0, -74846
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = unlaw_wplatform_8
reputation = cl_redbase_grp
pos = -53493, 0, -73475
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = unlaw_wplatform_9
reputation = cl_redbase_grp
pos = -56192, 0, -74846
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = unlaw_wplatform_10
reputation = cl_redbase_grp
pos = -56192, 0, -73500
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = unlaw_wplatform_11
reputation = cl_redbase_grp
pos = -54852, 0, -75998
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = unlaw_wplatform_12
reputation = cl_redbase_grp
pos = -54889, 0, -72411
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = law_wplatform_7
reputation = cl_greenbase_grp
pos = -53500, 0, -21866
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = law_wplatform_8
reputation = cl_greenbase_grp
pos = -53500, 0, -20500
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = law_wplatform_9
reputation = cl_greenbase_grp
pos = -56192, 0, -21866
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = law_wplatform_10
reputation = cl_greenbase_grp
pos = -56192, 0, -20500
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = law_wplatform_11
reputation = cl_greenbase_grp
pos = -54843, 0, -22908
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = law_wplatform_12
reputation = cl_greenbase_grp
pos = -54861, 0, -19657
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_rob_01
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest@ F!R thanks for the suggestion but i dont want these bases to be dockable they are purely for an server event.
So as i say when the solararch entry is set to station everything works as in shoot the base and the wplatforms also turn red and shoot.
Change it to satellite or mission_satellite shoot the base it turns red and returns fire the wplatforms stay green.
If it cant be fixed then dont worry about is, its been set as station for god knows how long i just wanted to get rid of the error, if i cant then no biggy it doesnt cause a crash.
Give it a base to go to, to shut up the error. Then calculate the hash for the base(s) and add that as a locked item to initialworld.ini. That would be ‘a’ solution. AFAIK, you wouldn’t have to worry about playerfiles, as it seems to update with the new info on either fresh entry to the system, or attempted docking at the actual base. Give it a go.
Give it a base 2 go
sett all (maybe define only 1) docking points to use moor_medium likedocking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountA, 15.000000
And no player will be able 2 dock that base.
Sorry for digging old threads, but I assume its acceptable they contain discussion to related subjects. And I hate to open new ones with troubles I run too often lately. At least all is in same place.
So here is the problem:
With placing the Freeport 7 in his original spot without defining it as a base (just pure Object), got to the point where it almost become a base with trying to see its proper name in space. Yea, never thought this would make me so hadick. From beginning, in space it shows Unknown ? With this last code I checked in Freelancer Explorer and there is Freeport 7 ![Object]
nickname = BW06_fp7
;ids_name = 60221
;ids_info = 60222
ids_name = 0 ;GENERATESTRRES(“Freeport 7”)
ids_info = 60222
base = BW06_fp7
pos = 3000, 0, -20700
rotate = 0, 0, 0
archetype = freeport7
faction = gd_z_grp
reputation = gd_z_grp
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 10
loadout = freeport7
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
visit = 128in universe.ini also made entry
nickname = BW06_fp7
system = BW06
strid_name = 0 ;GENERATESTRRES(“Freeport 7”)
file = Universe\Systems\Bw07\Bases\Bw07_UP_base2.ini
BGCS_base_run_by = W02bF52I assume the ids_name = 60221 is also Freeport 7?
Any help, please? -
@RimShot: Not in vanilla.
@sumanuti: I threw the object into Li01.ini (using the original ids_name) and the base into universe, again with the original ids_name and using the file from li01_01_base (not that it matters). Worked fine. Sorry, that’s actually not much help.
Why are assuming what 60221 is? The vanilla (JFLP) resources are available as text files and there’s also ResID (amongst others).
E:\contrib\games\Freelancer\src>fgrep 60221 *.frc resources.frc:S 60221 Trade Outpost E:\contrib\games\Freelancer>resid 60221 60221 (S): Trade Outpost
All I did was copy your posted object to Li01.ini, delete your two ids lines and remove the comments from the others. That made it show up as “Trade Outpost/Zoners Base”. Just tried again, without the base entry in universe.ini it shows as “Zoners Satellite”. With an ids_name of 0 in the object, no change. Adding the base entry, with a strid_name of 0, shows as “Zoners Base/Object Unknown”. I don’t know, does gd_z_grp still exist in your mod? Nothing in the spew?