Misc Weapon Properties Questions
A more ‘off-topic’ question Why, but can you explain what these lines are:
parent_impulse = 20 child_impulse = 80 auto_turret = true
I’ve never understood the first two at all, it’s not that intuitive (to me :P), and the last one i’m puzzled with. It doesn’t ‘auto-fire’ and it doesn’t seem to do all that much… thanks
Split topic as it didn’t belong to the Effects thread.
Parent and child impulse have never figured out.
Auto_turret is an AI setting. If set to true, then the AI will use the gun on all targets, regardless if it is the current target or not. I always have this set to true for all guns, as it makes the AI far more active. If set to false, the AI will only shoot at the its current target, and nothing else.
Thanks for that info
And yeah, my bad FriendlyFire
Your ship is the parent & the child is all of the things attached to your ship (weapons, wings etc), when they are destroyed these 2 settings tell FL how much force to apply to them, so that you get a little kick and the child gets a big kick and flies off into space.
I’m not sure if these aren’t simply leftovers that DA didn’t properly implement, though. At least, I’ve never heard of someone getting them to do anything (particularly for the parent one).
I’ll have to try that out, setting them to some ‘insane’ values. It certainly makes sense now Bejaymac, but from the other superfluous entries in freelancer, i’m tempted to go with FreindlyFire’s way of thinking… that they may not actually have any effect