Iafl Client - compatible with SP & Vanilla-/Standardservers !!
OK, if you figured out something nice let us know ;D
ROFL Catdog - another extremly unuseful and stupid posting thx.
just another idiot in www.
1.) I didn’t understand your english, just a bit weird
2.) Could someone bann this extremly stupid troll? -_-*
It is just /wall with him…Unfortunaly you don’t play at DFLS or Berlin, otherwise I would bash you know ^^PS: Yes I am a bit pissed off because of his extreme rubbish comments.
;D playing skills ( or is it modding skills ? ) now marks the presence in this forum ?
As i know you are no Admin here ? May you start a poll about my bann as you have no authority ? ( The only way you getto your goal )
Or an SP Admin get me banned on request of Bas .
Both of you, stop it. Do you really think this is a proper discussion?
CatDog, get a better translator and express your issue with more words (or do it in German so some can at least grasp what you’re saying?).
Bas, don’t buy into his game, that’s exactly what he wants.
CatDog …. what in the world are you doing??
do you even know??
this is no cheat!.. just great work
Bas has done some fine stuff here… i grabed it last night… taken a looksee… and if bas dont mind…
I ask “can i use your blue tradelanes m8?”… perfect for my “universe”…and i must also ask… why has that cat been alowed to keep that up there… i mean im all for fredom of speach
(i am Australian after all)… but thats just rubbish, and as bas said “troll like”… no place for that “stuff” here in our home…
If there was a “poll” i’d be the first to click … BAN!.. it 's simply not needed here… and brings us ALL down with it…sry for my 2 cents… i just cant stand usless flaming/trolling or any other negative crap kids spew forth on the www these days… (ahgem… cough…) GREAT WORK BAS!!
If you know CD a bit longer, or atleast know how he posts and read more of it you don’t even see it anymore.
Fun part is that he knows that as well …
Bas, great work.
It is no Cheat, or you have to see graphical improvements as cheat.Now…
No baddy talk anymore in this topic, or a lock is placed on it.
Thank you for your thanks ;D
I ask “can i use your blue tradelanes m8?”… perfect for my “universe”…
Yep, of course you are. Feel free to do so, but mention the original mod in the credits
But I want to mention that there will be some problems with a missing sarma.txm when deactivating the mod (see catdogs screenshot)However, Bloodhand created a deactivation fix for that:
http://www.moddb.com/mods/imperium-advanced-freelancer/downloads/deactivation-patch1May I ask which mod you are creating?
One thing i’ve learnt over the years, is that there’s a way round everything lol. I’m going to go and play with the bloom effect as i’ve been thinking of adding it to my mod for ages now but i need to mess with the settings and see what i can come up with
I hope not, as I won’t be able to play your mod, Intel chipsets & bloom hate each other.
@Bas, are the ppl that lose the sarma.txm on vista by any chance.
Yeah, I would have to agree. Implementing that sort of thing into your mod for everyone to use will kill compatibility completely. Wouldn’t it be better to inform the users of it, but advise seperately on how to do it and how to check to whether it will work for them first.
And about that sarma.txm issue… that should be easily avoidable by using “restore backups” rather than deactivating the currently enabled mod. That is ‘the’ safest way of always doing that. I could be wrong, but i’m pretty sure that is how to avoid the deletion of files problem which this seems to be
wodk4 seems to be right lol. No amount of messing around can get me passed the black npc issue on bases so i think i’m just going to give bloom a miss tbh. I’'ve forced all sorts of extra visual goodies through my gfx card so it’s almost as good as bloom anyway
@Bas, are the ppl that lose the sarma.txm on vista by any chance.
As I have said, we created something for this, the “deactivation patch”:
http://www.moddb.com/mods/imperium-advanced-freelancer/downloads/deactivation-patch1 -
@Bas, are the ppl that lose the sarma.txm on vista by any chance.
As I have said, we created something for this, the “deactivation patch”:
http://www.moddb.com/mods/imperium-advanced-freelancer/downloads/deactivation-patch1That didn’t answer my question, I’m asking because I’m on XP and your mod doesn’t delete those files on my machine.
Hm, dunno >_>
But strangefully I am at XP too but they got deleted by deactivation
(and only then, not when activated!)