House Name after System Name: Let's Solve this Basterd
Thx again adoxa, fine bit of coding
excellent, round of applause.
adoxa wrote:
; Add the house to the Nav Map. The coordinates are the same as the
; pos value for the systems. Font will default to SubHeader; see
; DATA\FONTS\fonts.ini for the list, or to add your own.
NavMap = X, Y[, font]Amazing! So we are now finnaly able to add new names to the nav map? Or is it something else?
Anyway great work adoxa.
Now the next thing that could be done (maybe?) would be even more costumized arrival text such as this:
Solarian Empire
Solar System
Orion Constellation
x Region (which region are we living in yeah!? lol)Would something like this or similar be possible adoxa?
Have you tried just putting a new line character in your “space” name for it to appear on multiple lines?
Is anyone having problems with ctd’s with this new version? As soon as i add the line
house_id = 462100
systems = SL01-10
NavMap = 9, 9 <–----------- Offending line (Position of system in Universe.ini)to the house section so i can get it to display on the navmap and click on it in game, i get an instant ctd, remove it and it its fine. What am i doing wrong?
Nav Map
Yes, it can add any text (in a resource) to the Universe Map. It also allows the removal/modification of the existing names. Just to demonstrate, the attached screenshot removes the normal houses (by using a space for the name) and adds Outcast and Corsair houses (from the bribe resource strings).
Multiple Lines
Unfortunately, Freelancer doesn’t process newline characters, so you’ll miss out on that. Don’t be greedy.
Sorry, I must’ve changed a couple of things around after testing and neglected to test them again.
Attached is a new version, which also has two other changes: moved the ini file to the Universe directory; and added a codepage setting, making the Windows ANSI code page the new default.
Edit: final version is available here.
@adoxa: I beg to differ. All NPC names on base/planet sequences use newline characters so that it can list the name and rank on two separate lines, so it definitely processes them. The thing to see now is where it does and where it does not.
You’re right, I was too hasty. I simply tested using the “Welcome to the <base> <trader>” message and saw the box where the newline should be. Further investigation shows I can simply change the flag so it does process the newlines. You’ll have to wait, though, 'cos it’s time I got to bed…</trader>
I think one thing that’s frustrating the hell out of me is how i have to change the code everytime to make it display properly between each new version. Can we decide on a format and stick to it please?
With the “latest” version i can’t display space name at all and still haven’t managed to get anything up on the navmap. The code below should work but it doesn’t. Did before minus the navmap entry
house_id = 462100 <–- House name
systems = SL01-10
NavMap = 9, 9[Systems]
format = %s System, SOL SPACE
systems = SL01-10 -
Multiple lines
Well, I spoke too soon. If there is a simple flag, it eluded me. Sorry, you’ll have to stick to a single line.
It works for me - sure you’ve replaced the DLL and moved your ini file? Happening to have Evolutions 1.30 active, I tried with a random system. Here’s the territory.ini file:
house_id = 525330
systems = fw01-06
NavMap = 9, 9[Systems]
format = %s System, SOL SPACE
systems = fw01-06and attached is a screenshot demonstrating it. BTW, you should really only define house or system, not both. Removing the [Systems] section gave me “Frontier Sector System, Admin World Space.”.
Apologies for moaning, missed the fact you’d moved the location of the territory.ini, all working ok now
I’m still unsure about the entry for systems. You say don’t use both house and system entries
There’s no problem having both [Houses] and [Systems] entries, but if you define a systems line for both, the one that comes last will take effect. In your example, you should either remove the systems line from the [Houses] section (thus using the explicit “SOL SPACE” message in [Systems]) or remove the entire [Systems] section (thus using the “SOL” house with the normal message). In other words, you don’t need a systems line for the [Houses] section if you just want to put a name on the map; the [Systems] section is intended more for individual systems, rather than those as part of a house. Hm, I’m not sure that’s any clearer…
It is actually clearer, magic phrase was “individual systems” which has tidied that up for me now. I’ve done as you suggested and removed my systems section for now until i need it for “individual” systems. All working rather sweetly, Cheers :pint:
I’ve put up the final version on my site. It fixes a bug (if “house” was the first string specified, it would be ignored), but is otherwise the same.
Ok, I followed somewhat I guess because it is not working for me. (using NS TCM starter pack)
In Dacom.ini
DllPath = .
@include FL_DevOnlyLibs.ini
territory.dll ;<–---------------------------------Added territory.dll to exe folder
Added territory.ini to universe folder
Now when I open freelancer developer and browse for file to load my mods dlls I get this:
What am I missing?
That’s a Developer issue, nothing to do with with the territory addon. You only add two files, the territory .dll and the territory.ini which you have correctly added.