Value from which Rep player showj red ?
Well, I guess I don’t understand why you’d want to do that since .9, is, essentially, 100% affiliation in FL. Pardon me if I sound argumentative, it’s not my intent.
Hell guys…. did u ever notice that 0.9 is for allied factions and that 1.0 is only possible on one faction which is called faction affiliation.
U start as liberty navy pilot means your rep to liberty navy is 1.0 and Liberty Navy is shown before your player name when another player selects u.
Making it possible to 1.0 to all factions is in my eyes senseless and not possible since it would require do redo the whole factionengine.No offense intendet but U just need to play FL for a while to get behind that.
Mind -
If you look closely at vanilla, they actually use 0.91 thusly:
New players start out as co_ic_grp
nickname = co_ic_grp
ids_name = 196866
ids_info = 66193
ids_short_name = 196915
rep = 0.91, li_n_grp
rep = 0.91, li_lsf_grp
rep = 0.65, li_p_grp
rep = 0.65, br_n_grp
rep = 0.65, br_p_grp
rep = 0, ku_n_grp
rep = 0, ku_p_grp
etc….By experimenting I discovered that the FIRST faction to have 0.91 rep is what appears in front of your name in space (that only other players can see). Change the li_n_grp to 0.60 and you will now see ‘Liberty Security Force’ in front of your name and that faction will be blinking green in your rep bar.
Yes, this is called faction affiliation. The aforementioned hacks will give you that as well.
I have played that long. A good example is discovery server. If im correct you can only be affiliated with one faction per time. All i would like to see is to be able to bring your rep with faction to 1.0 and then get affiliated with that faction. I do not see a problem there since hex for “reputation over which will give you affiliation with that faction (faction name appears in space before your name)” alredy exists.
just a quick question i have been experimenting in open single player with my mods . i was wondering can you do that with the order in open single player. i did it server side but not with open single player. but i will check my files for .091 value. yeah its there should i try 1.0 or something.
Sry but i still don’t get the sense in doing it.
My motto for such things is: Never change a running system. -
M0tah? ;D
I’m pretty sure this is some hex hack to do, and I also expect the value to affect both NPCs and players, but unfortunately the value is not known right now. I wouldn’t be surprised if M0tah popped up with it just as I say that though…
(M0tah is officially our hexmaster
hm damn i hoped their still is an way for an red univers ^^
öhm M0tah ? ;D