Problems submiting files
I recently went ahead and submitted two small mods to the Downloads sections. I followed the Submitting Content, Files and Images tutorial, but there are numerous problems with both files I submitted.
For the first one, named Race Tracks Mod, I somehow ended up with some purple text in the description. I through I had cleared all the colours and none of the other formerly purple text stayed purple, but really not that big a deal.
What is a big deal is that the mod details shows freeworlds_sushi as the creator. This either has to be fixed or the file has to be removed from the Starport.
The second file, named Iceworlds Controls Mod, also has some formating problems. In its case the title has a background colour that hides the text. I really have no idea how that happened.
This time I did get credited as the creator, and I see there are some editing options listed under the mod. So that’s a huge improvement. However, the download doesn’t work giving the error: “The document is being edited/updated by a User and is unavailable at this moment.”
I have some more Freelancer mods that I can submit, but I want to know how these problems arose before I consider doing to.
We are aware that the current download system isn’t that much of a good tool.
Also because Joomla keeps the file in editing mode when you forget to close the file (as admin) after its edited.Let me see if i can fix this, otherwise the editor, Sushi, needs to do these actions.
A new downloads system is in the making.
Sorry mate. I was just trying to add it to the site, no ill will was meant.
OK. I think I gave you permissions to edit the Controls mod. I deleted the race track, try to upload it again. This is a learning curve for me as I’m not terribly familiar with Joomla
Thank you.
Sorry if I seam to imply that there was ill intent over the crediting. I had assumed it was an error, either human or code relate, but I was nonetheless rather concered seeing someone eles’ name on my submission.
Anyway I hope I haven’t caused too much of an inconvence and I look forward to seeing the new downloads system.