And Apology From YellowEagle®™
Note this is for anyone that has visited our site and witness the fiasco:We here at the ReactorForge wish to Apologize for any thing that may have spilled over from our site to your’s from OP_R8R as their is and apology to any and all and a full explantion on our site on page seven,of (FreeLancer more harm then good)in topics so before anything is said about the title of this thread let me explain it, it was from a young lad that had tried to download from the downloads section during a ddos attack and the downloads and our chat were taken off line so as to not have malicious code injected into it as some of the programs we used when the site was first brought on line are Java based of which has been changed,due to the fact that Java is so easy to inject this type of code into,we also did not want the possibility of some one downloading infected downloads ,the young person instead of asking if their was a problem with the downloads just started a flame and we our admins respond in the correct way and informed him and pm him with the information and that should have been that, and the thread was considered dead and nobody was posting to it,as our sys automatically removes dead threads after 60 days of inactivity we figured to let the system handle it. as we don’t close our threads we leave them open for possible constructive postings,then. OP_R8R showed up and basically, start a forest fire now we are a new site and expect these things to happen many of us are very experienced with the game of freelancer and many other games to besides and with websites’ servers and such,but we did not expect this and for it to go from site to site, and also to make the matter clear and thoroughly under stood OP_R8R has had nothing to do with the starting of our site in any way shape or form he is a registered member and that is all. As i read what he had posted on this site he did offered his help to bp. And Baked and Me discussed it, it being one of his friends and he being experienced , Baked or Me and the staff was not prepared for what followed and I as a member of your site felt that with all that i have read on the star port and every thing that has happened on our site I Yellow Eagle
wish to apologize that this has come to your fine site and wish only the best in relations with your site and ours and all your good people This letter of Apology is from YellowEagle
one of the Co founders of the site ReactorForge and a member of your site hopefully still in good standing
Thank you for your explanation Yellow. I am sure everyone appreciates it.
I have closed the thread to avoid any more unwelcome replies.