Custom MP Starting Ship/Currency/Weapons/Cargo/Rank etc (Serverside Only).
Originally posted by Dudeofthed on Universal Modding. Found here.
Custom MP Starting Ship/Money/Weapons/Cargo/Rank/Reputation etc.
This tutorial will explain how you can change details so you are able to choose what ship, money, faction, rank, base location and what system you’re in your players will get when they start off with a new player at your server.
Now (If you’re a beginner) probably have been wondering how servers do this sort of thing. It is actually quite simple and required modifying of only one file and you do not need anything to extract the file so it is read-able by humans (Not gibberish).
Now to start off the tutorial.
These are the files you will be editing:
DATA\initialworld.iniThese are the programs you will be needing:
*Freelancer SDK (QuickFix)
*Not needed if you have already installed Freelancer SDK or QuickFix mod by Louva-Deus.Now to start off the tutorial.
Firstly, if you already haven’t, download and install Freelancer QuickFix. Now, open mpnewcharacter.fl file inside the EXE folder located in the root directory of the game, Freelancer. Do not worry as this file is already decrypted by default when you first install the game. When you open it, you’ll see this:
name = %%NAME%%
;initial_rep = %%FACTION%% <–-If you can’t be bothered in changing the reputation to align it with a faction, remove the ‘;’ and add the faction name. But you cannot have both on otherwise the server will cut. e.g If i wanted to align all my starting players with the Corsairs, i would remove %%FACTION%% and put initial_rep = fc_c_grp.
rank = 0 <–-You can change to rank of the starting player. 0-50money = %%MONEY%% <–-Change the starting player money to whatever you want. Remove the %%MONEY%% and put in the value.
;voice = %%VOICE%%
;All must be Trent!
voice = trent_voicecostume = %%BASE_COSTUME%%
com_costume = %%COMM_COSTUME%%system = %%HOME_SYSTEM%% <–-If you’re changing the starting base, then i recommend you should change this to the same system the base is in.
base = %%HOME_BASE%% <–-You can change the base to start off = 0.91, li_n_grp <–-This is your reputation area, add an ‘;’ before each sentence on each line to disable it only if you’re using the default faction aligning procedure above. e.g ;house = 0.91, li_lsf_grp.
house = 0.91, li_lsf_grp
house = 0.65, li_p_grp
house = 0, br_n_grp
house = 0, br_p_grp
house = 0, ku_n_grp
house = 0, ku_p_grp
house = 0, rh_n_grp
house = 0, rh_p_grp
house = 0, co_alg_grp
house = 0, co_be_grp
house = 0, br_m_grp
house = 0, co_nws_grp
house = 0, co_hsp_grp
house = 0.65, co_ic_grp
house = -0.3, co_khc_grp
house = -0.3, co_kt_grp
house = 0, rh_m_grp
house = 0.65, co_me_grp
house = 0.65, co_ni_grp
house = 0, co_os_grp
house = -0.3, co_rs_grp
house = -0.3, co_shi_grp
house = 0.65, co_ss_grp
house = 0, co_ti_grp
house = 0.65, co_vr_grp
house = -0.3, fc_bd_grp
house = -0.3, fc_b_grp
house = -0.65, fc_c_grp
house = -0.3, fc_fa_grp
house = -0.3, fc_g_grp
house = -0.3, fc_gc_grp
house = -0.3, fc_h_grp
house = -0.3, fc_j_grp
house = -0.65, fc_lh_grp
house = -0.65, fc_lr_grp
house = -0.3, fc_lwb_grp
house = -0.65, fc_m_grp
house = -0.65, fc_ou_grp
house = -0.65, fc_rh_grp
house = 0, fc_or_grp
house = -0.65, fc_u_grp
house = -0.65, fc_x_grp
house = 0, gd_gm_grp
house = 0, fc_uk_grp
house = -0.65, fc_n_grp
house = -0.65, fc_ln_grp
house = -0.65, fc_kn_grp
house = -0.65, fc_rn_grp
house = 0, fc_ouk_grp
house = 0, fc_q_grp
house = 0, fc_f_grp
house = 0, gd_im_grp
house = 0, gd_z_grp
house = -0.3, gd_bh_grp;Li02
visit = 2745692751,1 <–-This is the parts of systems you have visited. If you put one after everything then the entire Nav Map will be visible. Put a 0 to not show on the Nav Map when a new player starts. e.g visit = 2208818767,0. You can remove the ‘;’ before the system abbreviation and add one ‘;’ before the visit word to unlock that entire system.
visit = 2208818767,1
visit = 2745633359,1
visit = 2945966082,1
visit = 2409077762,1
visit = 2945943554,1
visit = 2409063426,1
visit = 2945937410,1
visit = 2409040898,1
visit = 2281145474,1
visit = 2818046082,1
visit = 2281172098,1
visit = 2817982594,1
visit = 2281116802,1
visit = 3013596745,1
visit = 2476714569,1
Visit = 3013590601,1
visit = 2476692041,1
visit = 3013559881,1
visit = 3146760779,1
visit = 2609888843,1
visit = 3146754635,1
visit = 2609858123,1
visit = 3146732107,1
visit = 2609851979,1%%PACKAGE%% <–-This is the package you get when your player starts off (e.g ship, weapons, nanobots etc.), you can change it so it will not use the default start off ship (e.g Starflier, Two Justice MkI’s, 10 Nanobots/Shieldbatteries). Just add the abbreiations for the items on each line and you MUST declare what it is. e.g If i wanted to add a different ship then i would Remove the %%PACKAGE%% and put: ship_archtype = ge_fighter2.
Now for the other part, if you wanted to unlock all jump gates/holes in a multiplayer Freelancer Server then follow below. This is the part where you require the SDK or QuickFix patch.
Open up the initialworld.ini file inside the DATA file which is located in your ROOT game directory of where you installed Freelancer (If you haven’t installed QuickFix or SDK and you open it, it will all be gibberish). When you open it up, the first few paragraphs will look like this (You’ll only need to edit the first few paragraphs):
;@#Group File[locked_gates]
locked_gate = 2926089285 ;St01_to_St02_hole ;St01_to_St02_hole <–-Add an ‘;’ before locked_gate to unlock the gate in MP.
locked_gate = 2926433351 ;St01_to_St03_hole ;St01_to_St03_hole
locked_gate = 2460445762 ;St02_to_St01_hole ;St02_to_St01_hole
locked_gate = 2263303234 ;St03_to_St01_hole ;St03_to_St01_hole
locked_gate = 2284213505 ;Li05_to_Li01 ;Li05_to_Li01
locked_gate = 2293678337 ;Li01_to_Li05 ;Li01_to_Li05
locked_gate = 2711806985 ;Ku06_to_Ku07_hole ;Ku06_to_Ku07_hole
locked_gate = 3051899916 ;Ku07_to_Ku05_hole ;Ku07_to_Ku05_hole
locked_gate = 2640501769 ;Ku05_to_Ku07_hole ;Ku05_to_Ku07_hole
; Mission 4 ;
locked_gate = 2541540999 ;Iw03_to_Li01 ;Iw03_to_Li01
locked_gate = 2963174661 ;Li01_to_Iw03 ;Li01_to_Iw03
locked_gate = 2314954114 ;Iw03_to_Br04_hole
locked_gate = 2193365380 ;Br04_to_Iw03_hole
; Mission 5 ;
locked_gate = 2350144385 ;Bw01_to_br03_hole ;Bw01_to_br03_hole
locked_gate = 2384076422 ;Br03_to_br04_hole ;Br03_to_br04_hole
locked_gate = 2919942795 ;Br03_to_bw01_hole ;Br03_to_bw01_hole
locked_gate = 2747303563 ;Br04_to_br03_hole ;Br04_to_br03_hole
; Mission 6 ;
locked_gate = 2749302404 ;Br04_to_br05_hole ;Br04_to_br05_hole
locked_gate = 3080351366 ;Br05_to_br04_hole ;Br05_to_br04_hole
; Mission 9 ;
; Mission 10 ;
locked_gate = 3157307012 ;Bw05_to_Ku06_hole ;Bw05_to_Ku06_hole
locked_gate = 2675819466 ;Bw05_to_rh01_hole ;Bw05_to_rh01_hole
locked_gate = 2694587652 ;Ku06_to_bw05_hole ;Ku06_to_bw05_hole
locked_gate = 3015759243 ;Rh01_to_Bw05_hole ;Rh01_to_Bw05_hole
locked_gate = 2254122510 ;Rh02_to_Rh04_holeb ;Rh02_to_Rh04_holeb
locked_gate = 2578962883 ;Rh04_to_Rh02_holeb ;Rh04_to_Rh02_holeb
; Mission 11 ;
locked_gate = 2444625543 ;Li01a_to_Li01b_hole ;Li01a_to_Li01b_hole
locked_gate = 2980035276 ;Li01b_to_Li01a_hole ;Li01b_to_Li01a_hole
npc_locked_gate = 3080351366 ;Br05_to_br04_hole <–-Same as before, but add an ‘;’ before the ‘npc_locked_gate’ to enable NPCs to fly through these gates.
npc_locked_gate = 2749302404 ;Br04_to_br05_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2384076422 ;Br03_to_br04_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2747303563 ;Br04_to_br03_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2350144385 ;Bw01_to_br03_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2919942795 ;Br03_to_bw01_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2694587652 ;Ku06_to_bw05_hole
npc_locked_gate = 3157307012 ;Bw05_to_Ku06_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2675819466 ;Bw05_to_rh01_hole
npc_locked_gate = 3015759243 ;Rh01_to_Bw05_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2578962883 ;Rh04_to_Rh02_holeb
npc_locked_gate = 2254122510 ;Rh02_to_Rh04_holeb
npc_locked_gate = 2293678337 ;Li01_to_Li05
npc_locked_gate = 2284213505 ;Li05_to_Li01
npc_locked_gate = 2444625543 ;Li01a_to_Li01b_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2980035276 ;Li01b_to_Li01a_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2640501769 ;Ku05_to_Ku07_hole
npc_locked_gate = 3051899916 ;Ku07_to_Ku05_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2711806985 ;Ku06_to_Ku07_hole
npc_locked_gate = 3051850763 ;Ku07_to_Ku06_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2926089285 ;St01_to_St02_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2460445762 ;St02_to_St01_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2926433351 ;St01_to_St03_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2263303234 ;St03_to_St01_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2382233355 ; ??? <–-This is the Unknown System (Nomad System)
npc_locked_gate = 2569281742 ; ??? <–-This is the Unknown System (Nomad System)
npc_locked_gate = 2963174661 ;Li01_to_Iw03
npc_locked_gate = 2541540999 ;Iw03_to_Li01
; Easter Egg Systems - Player is allowed to go to these systems, but not NPCs
npc_locked_gate = 2259929730 ; Hi02_to_Ew06_hole <–-Same as before, but add an ‘;’ before the ‘npc_locked_gate’ to enable NPCs to fly through these gates.
npc_locked_gate = 3128701573 ; Hi01_to_Ew05_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2974773122 ; Ew01_to_Li01_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2942653837 ; Li04_to_Bw05_hole
npc_locked_gate = 3030328194 ; Ew04_to_Hi01_hole
npc_locked_gate = 3163920771 ; Bw05_to_Li04_hole
npc_locked_gate = 3128521351 ; Hi01_to_Ew04_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2868648589 ; Li01_to_Ew01_holeHope you have learnt how to setup custom objects and unlock gates when running a Multiplayer server.
Disclaimer and copyright agreement:
I, Dudeofthed, declare that this tutorial is of my own creation and is unique. I Dudeofthed agree to allow Universal Modding permission to publicly display the following tutorial.
Universal Modding takes no responsibility for damage to your hardware or software that may result from the usage of this tutorial.
Assistance can be found at in the forums or by looking up a staff member in the chat room or you can email any staff member.
Universal Modding Management
Universal Modding 2007
Dudeofthed Creations 2005-2007
Can’t view the writing in green on my end?
Changed the color a bit.
Disable smilies in the post?
Much better now with the slight color change.
Randomly working, dunno why…
I use Ioncross on one server and cdfull131 on other…
I use flhook config that decrypts users files*
Results are the same: when i starting new char i may go through Maggelan gate (for ex).
Then when i try to go trough it in other way (on next connect) i see that in my user file added info as strings locked_gate = after mplayer section.
Duno what to do…*it is a source a probem or not?