Custom Armor
Originally posted on Universal Modding by Lancer Solurus. Found here.
This goes in ‘misc_equip.ini’.
nickname = equip_armor_lvl_1 –-> Nickname of the new armor
hit_pts_scale = 1.5 –-> Hull strength modifier, final hull strength = this setting times the hull strength of the ship it is mounted on
ids_name = 595824 –-> Name entry stored in one of the DLL’s, don’t forget to change this
ids_info = 1 –-> Info card entry in a DLL, using 1 here show’s an ‘Unknown’ in the description
volume = 10 –-> Amount of cargo space this scanner requires
lootable = true –-> Drops when ship explodes, true = yes, false = noAdd this to ‘misc_good.ini’
nickname = equip_armor_lvl_1 –-> Nickname of the new armor
equipment = equip_armor_lvl_1 –-> Nickname of the new armor
category = equipment –-> Armor goes in the ‘equipment’ category
price = 1000000 –-> Basic price
item_icon = equipment\models\armor\equipicon_armor.3db–-> Icon shown in the equipment dealer’s list
combinable = false –-> Equipment typically isn’t combinable
shop_archetype = equipment\models\hardware\br_protective_armor.3db–-> 3D model used for the equipment dealer’s room
material_library = equipment\models\br_equip.mat–-> Mat file for the shop_archetype aboveThis goes in ‘market_misc.ini’
MarketGood = equip_armor_lvl_1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1–-> Nickname, rank, rep with seller, sale it 1, sale it 2, sale it 3, price scaler
Thats it, just remember to change the ids entries to something suitable for your project.
Also, the price scaler works like this, final price = basic price times scaler, typically the scaler is 1, since it is a float you can also have it at 1.5, 3.2, 7.6 or whatever, this setup allows trading in equipment if you vary the scaler amount. Don’t forget equipment depreciates as soon as you launch.
Be careful though, if your scaler make the price of the equipment go above 9,999,999 it will kick the player for cheating when they launch.**
Is this the code for the custom armour like carbon fibre and nomad armour we have on void?
You’d have to ask a Void modder about that, but unless those have some very special capabilities, they should look just like this one.
This is original code from Solurus Systems MOD. This code works on either FL 1.0 or 1.1, it took me about 3 weeks to get it working so enjoy.