Ehrm whats that?^^
ok just scanned my files for “ge_lbd_engine01” … hmm
I find no “ge_lbd_engine01”… but i do find a “ge_lbd_engine_01”
look for the same dealy in yours… if you have a ge_lbd_engine_01 and no ge_lbd_engine01 in your engine_equip.ini then weve solved it…
simply put the _ wherever ge_lbd_engine01 exists… either Goods.ini or your loadouts
umm… that was possiby “mybad”… maybe i should check myself … lol :-[ Â
What i meant was “ge_lbd_engine_01”, just too fast writing
And ge_lbd_engine_01 isnt in the goods, either.Why is it " not supported/equippable!" when its the vanilla one.
I suggest to take working engine from any ship and to make search it in contents of files in a folder Data, then to do the same with ge_lbd_engine_01.
Next - compare results and fix/add sections contains ge_lbd_engine_01 according working engine.
Same Error
I already tried to simply remove the engine from the loadout where its equiped to:
Undock first time = no errors -> undocked second time = server crashWhere can i find the clientside error logs??
This thread is confusing. It sounded like it is the capship you are flying, but now you’re not flying it? You say you tried other systems, but then it sounds like you are saying you are jumping from these other systems into one system (the same one) where you crash.
If it were the ship you were flying causing the crash - you’d crash on launch 100% of the time. So it’s not that.
However, I think you’ve got two bugs here. You mention removing the engine, did you still see the yellow text afterwards? or are you now focusing upon the crash?
Check the system your getting kicked in, see if you have any static capships (bases,wreck etc), as the usual cause of that error is having an engine in the solar loadout for those items.
Quoted for truth. This is what it actually sounds like to me.
Check your systems.ini files for those systems for a battleship station. Next, check the loadout line in the system file for the nickname of the loadout of the station. Now going on what you’ve said, go check loadouts_special.ini for that loadout nickname, which you mentioned earlier as being “the only place it’s mentioned”.
That file is for ships loadouts, hence has an engine - not for stations. If it does match the nickname, then your problem is your station has a ships loadout, and therefore has an engine. Hence why when you changed the nickname of the engine to “wtf_engine” you still saw the issue. Your station had that engine… That should be your yellow warning message (if it is right).For the crashing I’d also check your encounters or other things, as that particular error about the engine never crashed servers in my experience. That is something else, and its unpredictable nature would point to encounters.
I know this will sound like I’m smoking crack….
But, I bet the not supportable yellow text in the flserver console will disappear if you dont have FLHook running (humor me… just try it).
IMHO its not the engine causing the crash. If it was equipment, you’d crash all the time. I bet you have an encounter issue.
When you undock wit any ship the error appears.
The server say that this engine is “not supported/equippable” and if somebody undock/spawns afterwards the server just crash. (in every system)
So i looked in the CRC what is this code about -> ge_lbd_engine01
Then i looked first at the item: everythings fine because its the vanilla one.
After this I searched where this engine is used -> special_loadouts.ini  at some dreadnoughts loadouts
Then I tried to give them another working engine -> same error (with the code of the new engine)And in my mod i dont even touch the solar loadouts, yet.
And i the systems + encounters, too.
So everything is vanilla in this case.When i removed the engine in special_loadouts.ini no error was prompted.
But  the same error occurs.Without FLHook = the same
Umm server and client on same machine or server and client on dif machines?
On same machine, but tried on different machines too, with same error.
Willing to share your files with me so I can take a looksee?
I’ll looking around around to upload it somewhere safely.
But now im gettin to sleep and tommorow (or after the sleep^^) i am pretty much outside.
I will contact you if its done.Thank you all for trying to help me out and gn8
PM sent, that is a safe place to upload to…
I cant check the orig files right now, but i read through the engine’s preferences in your second post, and the “mas = 0” i dont know if its right or not.
You said you have original files as in the vanilla, like the dreadnought, systems etc… If you make a new engine entry, and the server kick you out after respawn, then i think the server defines this new engine as cheating, because different and non-existed in the vanilla files. -
In second post it was a bit edited, but since a long time im using extra engines for my caps.
The others, like ge_lbd_engine_01 are completely vanilla. -
In second post it was a bit edited, but since a long time im using extra engines for my caps.
The others, like ge_lbd_engine_01 are completely vanilla.Could you please post here the ge_lbd_engine_01 preferences from engine_equip.ini, that one you use in your mod?
Have you ever tried to set this ship as freighter class and add ge_lfr_engine_01, or ge_pfr_engine_01, etc…. to it? -
*** WARNING: alloc_equip: Archetype[0x8000bec6] not supported/equippable!
What this basically means is that you’ve stuck a piece of equipment into the loadout of something that shouldn’t get it. Engines, Scanners, Powerplant and Tractor beams will all cause this error if added to the wrong object, Bases don’t get engines or tractor beams, Non-dockables don’t get engines and wrecks don’t get any of the 4.
Where can i find the clientside error logs??In C:\Documents and Settings<your user=“”>\Local Settings\Application Data\Freelancer
Use FLSpit to read client side error logs.</your> -
Thx but there aren’t any.
I’ve uploaded the current stag of th mod on RS and send the link to Lancer.
Maybe he find something./edit:
someone else want to look at it? -
**Well I found a few things, Im at work now so I can’t look at the list. You have a torpedo 3 mount which doesnt exist in FL.
I was attempting to start up the FL exe but I had to kill it when it attempted to start something in my Temp folder, a definate no-no, usually attempted by viruses.
Also, you had alot of missing entries for IDS and quite a few that were out of range, this usually doesnt cause crashing though.
All of this I found using FLEC…**
yeah the torp was just a test, but this have nothing to do with an engine :S
The IDS are the next thing on the to do list, but at first I wanted to fix huge problemsAnd i don’t modified fl.exe >_>
thanks alot that ya take your time for trying to help