Ehrm whats that?^^
What is the dll used for (capital_mod.dll (sp?)) ?
for the extra added ID inforcards and names.
I created them via FLDev
And the .baks are just backups of it -
send us a link m8… ;D
Can’t promise I’ll find anything that lancer hasn’t already
but i am pretty good at squishing
bugs under my boot… lol… & considering it may or may have not been the code i sent u that did this…
I feel somewhat responsible for trying to kill this one for yeCheers.
I just remembered, I ran into this exact same problem when I attempted to do this the first time. It turned out that I had to create new nicknames and shiparch entries for the capital ships before they worked properly. I never could get it to work right until I did that…(you already did the second part)
Codebase and .cmps i gave M.o.D. are largley “untested” LS…
well they were tested about a year ago… lol… but not since… could be i muffed up
a param over the past year playing with other stuff… or just slipped somewhere
at the end of a long night… also i updated my Shiparch soon after sending the pak…
so cross referencing is now pointless…The engine in particular could even have a XLR FX ref in it??.. pointing to a FX
that isn’t in vanilla… so im curios now… hehe… -
I really need to update and release that ship scripter so adding ships is simply a few clicks…
God damn the vanilla engines are vanilla :S ^^
So why the hell FL dont like it.Link was send to you xar.
Sry for doublepost … again -.-’
But this “bug” or “error” is f**king worse.
Now my ideas for solving are = 0. Â <_>edit:
Im thinking about starting this “project” from scratch up again….
But therefore i need big help …
I could cry^^ >_< -
bump ? >_>
Hmm… on first glance… try adding the engine to the engine goods as well??..
Not shure if the anticheat tech might flag a item without a good entry as bad… but its a good
idea to add them all in … for priceing anyways… lol…I cant so far see anything else wrong though…
I checked ths engine type in the vanilla engine_equip.ini:
[Engine] nickname = ge_lb_engine_01 ids_name = 263888 ids_info = 264888 volume = 400.000000 mass = 10 max_force = 3000000 linear_drag = 100000 reverse_fraction = 0.100000 flame_effect = gf_li_largeengine02 cruise_charge_time = 5 cruise_power_usage = 20 rumble_sound = rumble_battleship indestructible = false outside_cone_attenuation = -3 inside_sound_cone = 90 outside_sound_cone = 270
That “mass” in your file equale 0. I saw through this .ini and no engine has mass = 0. Maybe thats the wrong.
Huhu m8s,
I finally got this god damned sh*t to work^^
I dont know how >_> but i built up the mod from scratch up again and it works.So now im the market_ships.ini and have fun
After I’ve finished that I would be glad to test some things @ hamachi, when someone wanna to
greetzsry for my bad language^^