Funky Errors??
Ok… here’s some that have me more than a little “stumped”…
C:\work\builds\dalibs\dalibs-build\build\Src\SoundStreamer\NewStream.cpp(50) : ERROR:General:StreamingSound: missing MP3 codec? C:\work\builds\dalibs\dalibs-build\build\Src\WavLib\wavlib.cpp(32) : ERROR:General:StreamingSound: missing MP3 codec? E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Client\GF\ScriptPsys.cpp(76) : *** ERROR: Thorn_Psys: Failed to find [VisEffect] ring.
1st two… yeah probably due to a higher encoding than FL likes… but now its on my testers logs as well (i thought it was just my codec setup…)
That last one… hmm Ive cleaned my FX files with a very fine tooth comb… it “shouldnt” be there… but alas!.. it is… I also get the “trailing reference” error from time to time as well…My real Q is… how severe are these?? ::)
umm yeah… about 3 “extras”… ;D
Sourced almost everyone i could like the osiris one, also using the Multiintro with a few vanilla planetscape THN’s…
hell yeah… now that makes total sence… as all my FX have valid data blocks… i was worried it may have been the flash params on the wep beams, but the THN’s… yes some of them are quite old… might do me well to crack em open and have a looksee…Thanks m8…