Max number of [Object] types in a system?
I know someone found a “rule of thumb” about how many objects you can have in one system before the game decides to spas! Problem is I can’t find anything about it anywhere…
So does anyone have a pointer here? Is there certain objects you should avoid having to many off?
Currently in one system I have:
30+ planetary bodies
150+ base exteriors (domes, towers, etc)
25+ custom asteroids
And a few more things… To that comes of course the bases themselves, zones and so on…Everything runs smoothly so far, but I want to go even further with my insane system building… So is there a magical number I shouldn’t exceed unless I want heavy load issues when there’s many players online!?
IF u have mare than 12-13 jumholes/gates in your system fl server might crasht when someone calculates a waypointroute through that system.
Edit: I don’t think there is a planet limit, we have more than 50 planets in New Parius and I’ve just build a maze system with over 775 planets, i just noticed some videolags when i had over 900-1000 planets in pandemonium.
Yeah I know about the gate/hole issues… Also keeping them at max 3 holes/gates in one system atm!
What I’m mostly interessted in is objects such as base exteriors, roids etc…
lol… Didn’t see you’re edit MindHunter! But that is exactly what I wanted to hear!
Well I guess there’s nothing else to do than try and see if it fails, but still good to have something to build within so I don’t make a post in a few days “Screwed up my system with [Objects]” ;D
Yes I had a problem in Leeds system when there were 11 jumpgates/jumpholes.
I removed one gate, now there are exactly 10 (5 holes and 5 gates) and all is well.
It was an intermittent server crash whenever someone docked at a base - Glasgow Outpost and Durham Border Station seemed to do it more often but there were rarer crashes at Planet Leeds and LD-14 too.
Having said that, our Borg system has 13 jumpholes (no gates though) and does not seem to suffer from any crashes - Â although not many players can land on the Borg Planet and that is the only base there.
Chips’ pathing utility generated fine files, no crashes from plotting paths at all, just get the “No best path” message if there are no connecting jumpgates. I do wish FL would generate paths via holes, there are many sectors in our mod that don’t have any jumpgates, only holes.
U can also bug your system with solar modul objects.
My goauld hive has also less than 1000 objects added via parent = cause when it was the double size some mod versions ago we noticed some hard videolag on older user PC’s.Hope this helps u.
Edfit: @StarTrader: Actually i think it depends on how u build that system, unicon has in NU actually 10 custom JG’s (reworked nomad gates) it was one more back in NU 1.5 when we had a fun JH into the admin systems and the system worked very well.
U can also bug your system with solar modul objects.
My goauld hive has also less than 1000 objects added via parent = cause when it was the double size some mod versions ago we noticed some hard videolag on older user PC’s.Hope this helps u.
It certainly does…
Currently I’m using vanilla modules to build bases, but one of my friends are making ALOT of new modules, which will make my bases more Empire specific etc… (doin a TC here)
As for my roids they aren’t using a parent, but just “sits” there by themselves, spinning and waiting to get looted…
This is also why I ask these questions. I have scrapped the original way of build asteroid fields and now only use fields with dynamic ones and my large mineable custom roids, which means everything in a field can be mined… If you have the equipment for it! A bit EVE style actuallly…
Oh… Can someone provide me with a linky to Chips Path generator please?! I just can’t find it anywhere…