[The Starport News]The Starport 2.0!
I agree with Sushi for the most part - I get a few errors and what not but I guess that’s down to me using Google Chrome - things like black space appearing where it shouldn’t (it kind of separates the main post and the signature in a weird way, some posts it does it, others it does not)
I love the Wiki! That will be the most useful resource in the FL Universe - I pray it gets used and not abused…
I’ve just clicked on edit and after the loading site it comes to the error page.
As for the logo i did not mean its bad its just not something i would do (when i look at the NU logo it should shutup)
If u look at the NU page u will see lot of little details, for example it took me 2-3 hours to get the portal menu buttons all right togheter.And did not mean to change the inactiv link color to pink or orange or so just a deeper grey or something like that, so its easier for the eye to identify the links.
It just like my motto details details details little unneeded candy can be very sweet
Impressive is what I will say of what I have seen, and sadly only the portal and forum is all I can base that judgment on. As is the usual of late, I have only time to see that much and post a quick reply.
I will be back later. Quite certain I will not be disappointed in the work you M8’s did here.
Fantastic Work all of you! -
I like the new look / logo; gets to the point, looks purty doin it, gives a sense of polish too IMO. A big congratulations is in order, no doubt a monumental undertaking I recoil at the thought of -especially being the lazy sod that I am :p.
Will take a lil adjusting, but that’s the same with any new site ya visit so… a lil time and some groping around in the dark (woops, was that your chest?). Lookin forward to explorin’! Kinda like… a new mod, yayz. Oh and file attaches too, sweet.
Edit: RSS on everything! sweet
that’s definitely a handy feature and much simplifies the task of keeping oneself updated on topics quickly.
…. my yaw just droped and hit the desk.
Wow!… Nice, what can i say ^^
Two things on design: maybe a bit smaller font will look better. And in the Latest Posts section i can’t see which posts i have read and which i havent.
edit: oh, and about the main page, this might be not so bad but i personally don’t like videos playing on the main page without asking them to
OutCast wrote:
edit: oh, and about the main page, this might be not so bad but i personally don’t like videos playing on the main page without asking them to
let me second that
Is there a ‘mark all topics as read’ button because I can’t find it, and I’d rather not have the forum tell me that every category has a new post, especially when it’s saying said new post was posted in 2008. Likewise I don’t want to go through 58 pages of history, open every post, so the forum will tell me there aren’t any new posts >.<.
Dark_Angel wrote:
Is there a ‘mark all topics as read’ button because I can’t find it, and I’d rather not have the forum tell me that every category has a new post, especially when it’s saying said new post was posted in 2008. Likewise I don’t want to go through 58 pages of history, open every post, so the forum will tell me there aren’t any new posts >.<.There will be one. It was allready on the todo list for FF.
Same counts for the “Latest Post” new post options. -
Thankyou for the quick reply, sorry if it was an annoying question lol.
The point of videos on the frontpage is so that you can post your own so stop complaining and start advertising
See it as what it is: a window from where you can show your stuff to the world.
Good work.
Mark All Read button added to the bottom of the main forum page.
[olist]* Look at your monitor’s brightness. The current theme’s colors are actually more contrasting than the previous one by far;
- Re-apply on the server admins & owners thread.[/olist]
In K-Meleon Browser underline links looks very strange:
http://s55.radikal.ru/i148/0908/b7/517d45608c76.png -
I’m sorry but we can’t possibly support all browsers in the world, especially such little used ones as K-Meleon.
If emptying your cache does not fix it (I made changes which MAY help), I don’t see many options bar moving to a compatible browser such as Firefox.
Ouch! These two are trying to tear my eyes off!
edit: oh and another little thing, http://i061.radikal.ru/0908/24/0e8c528af1d5.png Why do those two differ? They’re both links to last posts.