[The Starport News]The Starport 2.0!
I specifically implemented the videos so that no sound was heard until you hover on them. If they have sound all the time, it’s because you altered the settings.
Naughty TSP users… never, never, never alter the settings. Now look. You have upset FF.
But seriously, just turn it down. I did, and now it doesnt bother me. Occasionally I turn it back up if I want to watch a video I havent seen in a while.
Yeah, Roo, we have so many videos you probably meet some you’ve never seen all the time!
You know… sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, right?
Better than no wit at all?
Ah… you beat me Sir. I bow down to your ever greater wisdom. :oops:
Bas wrote:
Eh - What I don’t like is that the videos at the start page are playing automatically - I hate it if I hear a sound somewhere from my machine but I don’t know where it comes from. In general I hate unwanted sounds from websites.If you check the vid, you see
Pause | Forward | Rewind 24s / 210s Volume: 0% + - (Auto-mute: Off)
Click on the minus sign, and it stay quiet