Forum Bug Report
But not for me /info
Can’t visit this topic, is it maybe cuase of it is still the URL to the old site or should it work still?
€: Ok, I can navigate to the topic through the new forums software. However, I still can’t visit the threads in the FlSES-Area.
Well I got an PM saying holgistar can’t visit the FLSES Area eighter, so it seems to be a Problem with the rights of normal users, could an Admin please change that? Everyone should be able to at least read there, writing would be even better.
At FFS we also plan on using FLSES soon, so there are some news on FLSES soon. FLSES is not dead! -
Well I’m stumped. I’ve looked at all the settings and I can’t see why this specific board is a problem. All the permissions are configured and set properly; there’s no reason why it wouldn’t work.
I’m going to reset stuff for it this weekend. If this doesn’t work, I’ll dig in the source to see what could be wrong.
The Latest Posts block does just that. I’m afraid recoding the whole forums to support the same thing would be very long… Maybe one day
It seems that I can’t open any ZIP-Files from the downloads area? (Have only tested with a few files in the archive…)
Well I still can’t view/post topics in the FLSES Area
If you still can’t get it to work, why not delete it and recreate it?
We will soon be ready to release FLSES, so there will be some posts here in the next weeks.
I hope you can fix that problem.
Good luck with this bug!(I know how badass bugs can be ;-)) -
tai, can you see if it works now?
If it does, I’m going to murder whoever thought caching PERMISSIONS was a good idea in the Xoops dev team '-_-
I found a problem… not shure if its a bug or not…
Was trying to send Rasauul a link to the Modular station kit in the downloads… but part 1 don’t play nice… it seems as if its just not there
Is it still pending… or did something judge fudge along the way??
EDIT:… is oki… seems i was looking at the wrong file 8-)
all good now… still a little messy in there though… lolzkinda like an overflowing pirate booty chest… hardi har har, hehe.
OK FF, I now can see the forum topics in the FlSES area
ty ^^
@Bas: sigh I hate Xoops’ caching. Good to know it seems to be fixed now, finally.
Bug: The forum software fucks up with special letters in the preview such as ä, ö, ü or ß.
since the last attack and that sp was down ,i have a strange prob
when i log in then i start on this post
not on the frontpage from sp
i have search here and have removed the cooks also
but nothing helps
any idee ?grt pred
WHen you try to login, is the referring url ?
Or are you trying to log in via a specific link which may leads to the topic?