Tradelane spawning, faction_weight spawning.
1st, question about faction_weight: is this the parameter that controls the color of the zone on political map??
Some observations and questions on tradelanes.
A population zone with overlapping tradelanes(4 of them).
When you are in the pop zone(not in the overlap area), tradelane encounters are not spawned, tradelane traffic is generated by area_pop zone trade encounters(they have arrival = all line and can arrive using tradelane). When you are in the zone overlap, no tradelane zone encounters are spawned(and buck danny wrote about it), but area_pop zone trade encounters stop spawning using these tradelane(tlr rings)!! Looks strange really.
If all the encounters in the above mentioned zones(tradelanes and area_pop zones, except 1 tradelane)are commented out with ; and you enter an area of zone overlap(area_pop zone overlaps with a tradelane with not commented out encounters), you get tradelane encounters spawning in other tradelanes(where the encounters are commented out!!!) and not spawning in the zone where you are now(where the encounters are not commented out). :-?So:
1)Maybe it’s a good Idea to avoid such an overlaps when tlr ring gets in two (tradelane and area_pop) zones simultaneously?
2)Why it is not observed in asteroid field with encounters and trdelane overlap? Tradelane spawning is ok there.
3.)WTF???Got some ideas, not sure though, anycomments/answers/solutions/ideas, please??
Vital wrote:
1st, question about faction_weight: is this the parameter that controls the color of the zone on political map??Don’t worry about faction_weight, it’s not used at all (the string “faction_weight” is not present in the exe or any of the DLLs).