Good evening!
Well hello!
I haven’t actually heard of this website before!
Anyway I’ve been playing Freelancer since the demo with an episode of PC Gamer before the actual release date where I loved this game, I guess my most fond memories spawned on Ioncross back when Victor’s MP mod was in use, fun times!
It’s been something of a goal of mine to write a mod for many years now but I’m not sure if that will ever happen now, the game is looking fairly dated now! And it takes quite an effort to get everything working (new hardware causing problems, global server down, resolution requiring patches to cameras.ini and the like).
Anyway that combined with the fact that I’m currently at university trying my luck at programming is leaving my void of spare time, so I don’t know how realistic this goal is!
I’ve probably met a fair few of you before, nice to say hello everyone! I’ll attempt to play a little active part in the community here, see how that works out.
Also, is there an IRC channel on the go anywhere?! I do like the real time chat!
welcome to sp
good to see the old players back;) -
Greets and Welcome
As for FL looking/feeeling Dated… hmm might wanna have a peek at a few or the latest mods… 8-) hehe…
Don’t “Think” there’s an IRC… not that i’ve seen anyways
Welcome M8, glad to see you found The Starport.
I can think of no “IRC” channels offhand. Most have moved beyond IRC these days and use IM Client’s such as MSN and AIM or Voice Communication with Teamspeak, Ventrilo, or a game customized Text & Voice messager such as Xfire for communications in addition to the game and forums.
Ah right, I do use Xfire and run a ventrilo server on my computer for chatting when playing games (usually Red Alert 3 these days, it’s no freelancer though!). It’s a pity IRC isn’t used, It may be an ancient protocol but I do love it!
What are the most up-to-date mods in use at the moment? Would that be things like the Void mod?
Thank you for the warm welcome!
Welcome to TSP
Old players never die, they just leave to heal then come back after regenerating.
Many new mods out there now, try them all if you’d like until you find the one you enjoy most. Everyone is going to try to sell ya one, at least. Theirs. :lol: