Decoding factions
Ok I’ve had got a mod, I didn’t make it the original developer left it for me to carry on. In trying to understand his programming I’m working on figuring out the reps. I’ve narrowed down almost all the vanilla reps, but figuring out which of the custom factions is which is driving me nuts. Is there a tool or something that will tell me which is which?
look in the downloads for the freelancer misc database. Its an excel file which shows you the nicknames for all of the vanilla factions. Also, I think adoxa has something like that on his website. That might be worth taking a look at too.
At any rate, I wish you the best of luck on finishing up the mod.
Since you’re specifically speaking of custom factions (eh, griff?
), your best bet is to use a tool such as FLDev to read the IDS names defined in initialworld.ini. When you open FLDev, put the path to the Freelancer.ini file your mod is using, then go in the DLL Editor tab and type the number for the “ids_name” parameter in the small textbox in the Editor group. If everything’s configured properly, the name of that faction should appear below.
If you don’t mind using the command line, my CreateID/WhatIs combination can translate to and from nicknames and names. CreateID will scan all your data files and create a database; WhatIs will search the database for matching names or nicknames. For example, assuming the mod is using the standard faction naming convention of ending with “_grp”:
rem create the database createid -sd rem list all the factions whatis -sn _grp 552 ku_p_grp Kusari State Police (Police) 2620 fc_uk_grp 2626 gd_bh_grp Bounty Hunters Guild (Bounty Hunters) 2745 gd_z_grp Zoners (Zoners) 3142 co_rs_grp Republican Shipping (Republican) 3612 br_p_grp Bretonia Police (Police) 3775 fc_or_grp The Order (Order) 6233 co_shi_grp Samura Industries (Samura) 7171 fc_ln_grp Liberty Navy (Navy) 8778 li_n_grp Liberty Navy (Navy) 11816 fc_f_grp Fugitive (Fugitive) 13046 fc_h_grp Hogosha (Hogosha) 14998 fc_q_grp Quintaine's Men (Q's Men) 15981 co_ss_grp Universal Shipping (Universal) 18174 co_khc_grp Daumann Heavy Construction (Daumann) 18535 fc_m_grp Mollys (Mollys) 19485 fc_lh_grp Lane Hackers (Hackers) 21524 co_vr_grp Ageira Technologies (Ageira) 21689 fc_c_grp Corsairs (Corsairs) 23638 rh_m_grp Kruger Minerals (Kruger) 25320 fc_n_grp Nomads (Nomads) 26342 co_be_grp Border World Exports (Bowex) 26838 co_alg_grp ALG Waste Disposal (ALG) 28402 fc_lr_grp Liberty Rogues (Rogues) 29216 fc_fa_grp Farmers Alliance (Alliance) 30347 co_hsp_grp Cryer Pharmaceuticals (Cryer) 30425 rh_n_grp Rheinland Military (Military) 32354 co_me_grp Deep Space Engineering (DSE) 33711 li_p_grp Liberty Police, Inc. (Police) 34166 br_m_grp BMM (BMM) 36789 co_ic_grp Interspace Commerce (Interspace) 36813 fc_x_grp Xenos (Xenos) 37663 fc_gc_grp Golden Chrysanthemums (GC) 41274 fc_lwb_grp LWB (LWB) 41933 ku_n_grp Kusari Naval Forces (Naval Forces) 42810 fc_ou_grp Outcasts (Outcasts) 43384 fc_bd_grp Blood Dragons (Dragons) 44322 fc_b_grp Bundschuh (Bundschuh) 45049 br_n_grp Bretonia Armed Forces (Armed Forces) 45353 fc_rn_grp Rheinland Military (Military) 47419 co_nws_grp Gateway Shipping (Gateway) 47516 fc_u_grp Unioners (Unioners) 49441 co_os_grp Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines (Spa and Cruise) 51565 co_kt_grp Kishiro Technologies (Kishiro) 51614 gd_im_grp Independent Miners Guild (IMG) 53733 co_ni_grp Synth Foods, Inc. (Synth Foods) 55100 rh_p_grp Rheinland Police (Police) 55219 fc_g_grp Gaians (Gaians) 56582 co_ti_grp Planetform, Inc. (Planetform) 56711 fc_kn_grp Kusari Naval Forces (Naval Forces) 57102 fc_ouk_grp Kress' Men (Kress) 57655 fc_rh_grp Red Hessians (Hessians) 57826 fc_j_grp Junkers (Junkers) 58161 gd_gm_grp Gas Miners Guild (GMG) 65354 li_lsf_grp Liberty Security Force (LSF) ...
One note for you in case you are not so familiar yet - fc_uk_grp is the “unknown” faction, deliberately blank so there is nothing displayed next to the name when you target the ship.
I made use of its blank name and neutrality for Hostile Universe’s Hyperspace jump gates, since the reputation line is needed to show the proper name.