Ingamechat read(log) / write "bridge" to use with other tools?
Hi im searching for an dll that can do following things:
Log chat (only the newest line of ingame chat) into specified registry path or ini file. (most important for me)And if this is also possible write text from an registry value or an ini file into ingame chat with definition which chat (groub/system) if possible.
I want to use it as bridge between other chatprogramms/webside based chat and Freelancer client
Does some chatlog dll with source that can be modified excist ?
Or better can someone help me with coding cause im realy new in c++ -
The dsace.dll mentioned in this thread will do in game chat logging too.
Ok maybe I was to fast with my respond.
I downloaded and tested it. It works fine. I also noticed now that it is from you
Now I have a little please. Can You make me an dll that logs ingame chat into Freelancer/exe folder in a file named ingamechat.txt with logtime as localtime. ?I need an dll that make this without geting started with command line parameters. I should start logging after the dll get injected into Freelancer.exe
With such an dll I can sove my most importand problem to bring text from FL-Chat into other Chat like irc
If you use Microsoft Visual Studio Source would be realy nice but dll only will also help me much
always looking looking for new things… I dll’s it as well Cannon
There’s bugger all info in the readme concerning cred though… this is yours no?.. I credit you yes?
Funky stuff anyways… gonna make vids & screenies very easy now
Thankx -
Adoxa you have any idea why for some few people the chatlog.dll does not work ?
I does not get load into freelancer for some unknown reason -.-
I tried with dacom.ini and also to inject manually both does not work.
Windows is XP SP3
Before he reinstalled his windows it worked but now it doesnt. Strange… -
Thank you very much that was right hint.
There was an dependency to MSVCR90.DLL part of
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86)
and this was not installed.[Edit]
I changed something and recompiled it that was the problem^^
How you compiled it without this dependencys?[Edit2]
Ok got it ^^