FL Redemption 4.20 build 5 public demo mod by Cold Void
I have a copy of this and have done for sometime.
I never went thru the code mind. and yes, i still have that memory of reading that single shout out post on the old forums FF. kinda hurts honestly.
Right, large edit. Yep - PantherX is the same one as admin at AI forums / Evo dev
PantherX said nearly 3 years ago that since Evolutions had finished in development, then his models were free to use as long as the correct credits were given. For one of his (I think we called it the trident) this including acknowledging the source for where he got inspiration for the model? I can’t remember the guys’ name, it’s probably in the Evo readme.
Wargamer is actually Dr Grenade, another admin on AI/Pathfinder forums, although he’s more into web design and Spanish ladies these days
I’ll give him a poke on facebook if you like, as he is an admin on Cold Voids forums.
I’m interested as CV took over Evo, but as said, when I felt tugging to return to a few bits of FL modding, I couldn’t contact him
When I last talked to CV was Sept 2007, when I was asking if he happened to know hash algorithms
still working on releasing something over at FLR, not evo but with some evo VHFs (the ‘missing’ gap fighters - let me know if this is a problem) in an open-source XML kit mod. l8s’
I’d love to see CV’s dynamic lighting, and his storyline if he got it working. I’d also love to know whether the Mech ships are included, as PantherX never completed them and they looked awesome (frontier worlds in Evo were supposed to be populated with them). CV may have taken the models and done the CMP work, I do not know…
As an aside, I think Cold Void sister passed away through alcohol abuse before him as I remember this in a thread regarding Harrier on Pathfinders - so the family is blighted by tragedy
w0dk4 wrote:
Thats sad, quite a few tragedies in our small community.very true, tho the large portion of people on here never meet in person, its hard not to feel seeing as we are rather tightly knit community
Add to that his dad was up for quadruple heart bypass surgery at the time as well. Terrible tradgedy all round. That said, based on his statement i found on his forum, what’s left of it, i’ve uploaded the whole thing to TSP.
I’ve had a play round in the mod so far, some cool effects, great start ship with rotating engine covers and fluctuating engine internals, very pleasing indeed. The first to do this i believe, bearing in mind this mod is a few years old. Other modders are only just getting round to doing animations.
Aye, CV did a lot of very interesting things ahead of everyone. I could see this when I spoke with him back then.
It was his father who contacted us about his death on our forums. Let’s say it was a shock.
@Chips: Dynamic lighting is already implemented in quite a few mods I think. It’s using the lights FX.
EDIT: Approved Gibbon’s download. Let’s hope the downloads area won’t crap out as it usually does…
I also can’t dll this… it hangs just before 1 meg is down…
There is a problem here on TSP with files, I talked to FF about this yesterday. In the meantime while that’s being sorted, try this. I know this download works lol
Thanks Gibbon…
Mods like this one are priceless, sometimes gleaming a wealth of info and different ways to approach a problem (old ways… long since forgotten code… ect)
& yes… I don’t recall that exact post… but there have been too many others i do… may there works live on for all to see.
EDIT: after taking a quick tour or the files in this gem… I must say… wow…
There’s even a gunstar in here… bugger me… mushrooms and all, some freaky stuff! this is some fine work, dam, now i wish i would have met the guy to thank him personally.An awesome addition to the FL stable, thanks again gibbon for making this available again… as you guys probably know… I have a slight fetish for old mods… (slight… lol) this mod is a perfect example why 8-)
Apparently the downloads are working, you just need to wait. I know it’s odd, but when the download seems to stop, let it go and it’ll suddenly finish after a while. It did for all the files I’ve tried.
Gibbon wrote:
I found another interesting feature of his, horizontal tradelanes, looks different for sure lolWe’ve added quite a few horizontal trade lanes to NU 1.8 it was a pain in the ass to get them working right and we still have some bugs which are pretty weird but we will get around that.
Is there any way to get the nebula drag to effect cruise engines, i dont mind if a hack is necessary, id just prefer it effected cruise as well as impulse and engine kill. ?
Adoxa i think everyone will agree with me when i say
You da man
Is this MP-secure? IE if the client changes back the value while the server has that enabled, would there be issues?
Any change that could restrict players in any way always begs to get worked around by cheaters.