Where to buy Freelancer CD?
NeXoSE wrote:
Looks Freelancer CD has been removed from almost all Online Store (B2C) i can found, without eBay of course.Maybe Microsoft stoped make new Freelancer CD few years ago? That’s may explain why player is less and less…If peoples cannot got the CD, they will can’t play FL.
try www.amazon.com
i baught mine brand new for £5 including shipping.
ofcourse i dont know where you live but it wont be much, check it out
FriendlyFire wrote:
And to be honest I’m waiting for the point where the game becomes unavailable in most of the world. Why? Because then we enter a gray area that gives us additional flexibility to promote the game.If you cannot legally purchase a copy of the game… Just look at oldie games and how they’re handled most of the time.
Word. If the game is for sale ANYWHERE, even eBay, it won’t be considered abandonware.
Sledge wrote:
If the game is for sale ANYWHERE, even eBay, it won’t be considered abandonware.I think FF means, when freelancer become a abandonware… no publishers will care about how many people playing illegality copy of this game. So, you know.
We’re probably at that point now. The original dev team is scattered to the winds. Digital Anvil no longer exists. Microsoft is associated purely in name only. Business is business and defending the copyright for a game that’s not being sold is far too costly an endeavor for no return.
The game is ours. We just need to take the last step.
The game is being sold. Doing anything remotely related to condoning piracy would turn the entire gaming press against us, it could cause us issues if retailers complained, and you can be your ass Microsoft would chime in. They have packs of rabid lawyers waiting just for such opportunities.
Good things come to those who wait.
Give it another year…
A certain industry Mogul is pushing for the release of old games into an open source GPL licence… my bet is after Tech4/Doom3 goes OS a few other games will follow suit.
If anyone’s seen the keynote speech for Quakecon this year… and knows a little about Carmack… its the most passionate/stern i’ve ever seen him about anything… he stares direct into the camera as if to make it known he’s sick of the BS and hoarding of old code… He’s also very close with MS.
The stone has been dropped in the pond… industry wise… now we just have to wait and see where the waves spread… not holding my breath… but its kind of like Metallica saying “were giving away our old albums for free now… others should too”
There’s still a mountain of problems outside MS though… I believe Ubisoft is the current distro for FL… once they decide the printing cost’s outweigh the income… then we have a chance.
What I find a little surprising about all this is the 5 year support that microsoft give you when they release a game.
That basically is like saying that after 5 years, what’s written on the box and inside the manual is no longer accurate, there is no multiplayer once they take down the global server. It’s misleading for anyone who’s bought the game since 2008.
Rather than hand it off to someone else to distribute that likewise offers no support or online experience, they should just make it available for free the punks.