Making the nav map not available in certain systems
You know, say you have tradelanes you don’t want people to discover, how do you make it say “NAVMAP NOT AVAILABLE” like during the story.
Find attached a plugin to specify systems that should show “Nav Map not available”. However, if it’s just the trade lanes you want to hide, I could do that, too.
You can use the above addon or just simply add this line to the system you’re editing in the universe.ini,
visit = 128
As to making the tradelanes invisible, i’d try adding that line to your tradelane code in your relevant system ini file and see how that goes
Adding the visit line to universe.ini would also stop the system showing up in the Universe map, which could be good or bad. Adding it to the system ini file has no effect. All or nothing with the lanes would be relatively straight forward. Showing them depending on whether you’ve used them could be tricky, but worth looking into…?
adoxa wrote:
Adding the visit line to universe.ini would also stop the system showing up in the Universe map, which could be good or bad. Adding it to the system ini file has no effect. All or nothing with the lanes would be relatively straight forward. Showing them depending on whether you’ve used them could be tricky, but worth looking into…?Adding the visit line most certainly has an effect. Visit = 128 actually makes things invisible so maybe not the best choice for making tradelanes disappear so my bad on that one, but is used with certain types of custom planets (3db’s) and is necessary to make them work. Visit = 1 makes things visible from the start so you don’t have to go and find them, things like large gas giants, big bases etc.
The plugin is excellent, exactly what I need, but… how do I use it
And can it work with FLHook?