Players Online on Portal/Forum
I have noticed that some servers sites list how many players are on the server at the moment and if the server is up or not. What’s the easiest way to do this? Server is using Flhook, Phpbb3 and Mkportal.
Scroll down to the bottom of our portal:
Soupman is generous with giving out help on the coding, just make a post or pm him.
We use FLAC to run our server but Ioncross (in non-control mode) is awfully handy for certain edits as well as sending stats. -
Yes, Ioncross can be helpful when it comes to sending stats, as that’s what I’ve seen most servers use.
I may be mistaken, but maybe FLStat can send those too, can’t it?
Yes it can. You can have a batch file run automatically every xx minutes which will get flstat to update itself, then you can have another command which will upload those stats to an ftp server.
I’m not sure of the exact syntax for that, but I could dig them up if you wanted.
If you have FLstat there is a cmd.exe file in.
put that line in your ioncross and it works automaticly.Upload scheduled to an ftp and you can have the actually stats on your site. (linked to that playersonline.html file. Or just how you call it.
But pay attention with the ftp. If you do it to quick, the host can see you as spammer and put you in a blockrange.
(my own experience :evil:
If you put it in time interval from ten min. it’s okay.CD can keep the online stats for you to.
Make an <iframe></iframe>on your forum, place the link between, edit it a bit for the width and height and it works.
Alright thanks for the help.