Mining question
Just curious. In FL I enjoy flying through debris fields blowing up junk and collecting cargo. It was just pointless to try and make any decent money doing so. When moding, is there a way to up the percentage of cargo payout in a debris field. It was just really frustrating when you go out to collect some goods and you end up using some munitions and your trip ended up costing instead of earning.
If memory serves, in the asteroid ini file for the relevant area you’re trying to mine, there’s this line,
asteroid_loot_difficulty = 70
The last number can be changed so a lower number would make the loot appear more often. I think that’s how to do it.
rockin. Thanks Gibbon
And if you want to control how many rocks are there to mine (from the UnderVerse):
asteroid_loot_container = lootcrate_ast_loot_water
asteroid_loot_commodity = commodity_cannabis_asteroidis
dynamic_loot_container = lootcrate_ast_loot_water
dynamic_loot_commodity = commodity_cannabis_asteroidis
asteroid_loot_count = 0, 0
dynamic_loot_count = 10, 20 <–- quantity of items that spawn when the rock is blown up
asteroid_loot_difficulty = 30
dynamic_loot_difficulty = 2 <— One of of ‘this number’ chance of getting loot out of the rock at all.So a 2 means a 1 in 2 chance (50%) that shooting a rock will produce loot. Then the 10,20 means it will spawn between 10 and 20 of the items. Buds up!
Since you are going to modify the game anyway…
So much more easy than any of this is just to raise the selling price for the commodity at the nearby bases.
Get real, people!