[General Tutorials] Battleship Encounters
Author of this tutorial is unknown but if he/she wants to contact me i’ll amend the tutorial. The Starport would like to thank Gibbon for allowing us to use this Tutorial after he posted it on Lancers Reactor.
What follows below is a 99.999% repost of the post above, except that I removed all those awful
Hello there, could I get a bit of help with understanding “ZONE”?
The ZONE sections are predefined areas wherein things happen.
They might be a radiation zone, an asteroid field, or an area where you want certain NPCs to appear (but not others).So, when you want battleships to show up you first need to create your encounters. That’s where the formations come in and the changes to the factions that identify them as having capital ships in their fleet.
npcships.ini defines the ships and their levels.
Once you have that designated then you just need to define the encounter in the beginning of each system.ini file and then address it in the zone you wish it to appear in.
Because I’m old school and too dumb to learn anything new I still use Freelancer Explorer to work with zones. Download that program and fool around a little to see what and where the zones are. Basically, any zone that already has an encounter in it can accept another one without any issues. As long as it’s defined properly…
Make backups before you go messin’.
Thank you, I’m wanting to make encounters in all the house systems but it’s a bit taxing as I don’t really know what to do
Well, moonhead made it easy for you.
Just follow his directions and copy/paste the requisite file changes into the indicated files.It will take some work on your part but, that’s how I learned. I’m sure you can learn the same way as well.