[The Starport News]FLCN Update + Survey
I am pleased to announce that, thanks to the amazing work done by Huor, the FLCN has received a long-overdue refresh. You should now see a dynamic, self-refreshing bar constantly feeding new links to the user, which should further help visibility and better attract the eye. We hope you will like the new features. More details will be posted later today on the FLCN threads.
We also invite you to take a survey so that you may give your opinion on The Starport’s current status. Answer as honestly as you can!
Thank you,
FF -
Honestly, it looks amazing. Seeing links from all 3 categories in the dropdown, and having it refresh every few seconds is really a plus for this little add-on.
Nice work!
EDIT: Actually, I did find a bug in it. You can;t mouse over the dropdown, because if you take your cursor off the button it disappears and you can’t click the “See more…” button.
I can’t hover over any selection, the drop-down lifts up as soon as I try!
Good thanks FF!
One more word to the features
The order of the shown links is random and its cycled first through all available links before one link is showed again. So all sites are shown in random cycles but not twice or tree times in a row.
The number of shown links is depending on the bar size it starts with 3 links (one of each category) up to 6 links (2 of each category). Up to now this will be recalculated before the next links are shown, so if you change the site within two displayed link sets the number will not change.
Furthermore if you put your cursor over one of the links shown in the bar (not the popup) than the next link set that wll be displayed is delayed until you move your cursor out of the bar.
Hm - dunno if I have forgotten something. If you have issues with it, please feel free to ask Until then much fun with it^^