I’m curious if anyone knows where to find an easy-to-use auto-updater. I’ve been looking for one to use on 88 Flak, but I haven’t found anything. From what I’ve heard though, an auto-updater sounds like a simplified SVN client. So does anyone know where I can get one and set one up.
I like this one:
edit: there’s also this one on the forge:
I wonder why…
Lancer Solurus also made one, but I can’t find a link for it now.
Thanks a lot Cannon. Your auto-updater looks pretty nice. I’ll be using it for the 88 Flak server if you don’t mind.
@KillerJaguar: Look at my updater here.
It’s still in beta becouse i didnt have any free time to improve it, i even forgot to upload it to forge lol. But there are no bugs so far. Originally i wrote it for Tekagis Treasure server so if you want to test it, go on and give it a try, so you can give me some feedback about it or some info about features you want/need so i can release them in next version. If you need help with it contact me@Cannon: Thanks for pointing me on this forge project
I forgot about it lol.
How do you set up your updater and how does it work?
First of all you create a folder called “update” or any other name you like, on your server.
Then you open this folder and create 3 more folders called “exe”, “data” and “dll” where you put all your files you want to be checked. It’s like normal Freelancer architecture of folders, like if you want to update for example “misc.ini” (<- is in data\equipment folder in Freelancer), you upload it in “data/equipment/misc.ini” on your server.That all about uploading files. Now you should edit “patch.cfg” file.
Open it with any text editor you want.
If you did, you will see this:[PatchServer] ; This is your server url. Url = ; This is a folder name you created from start. ; For me it was "update" Root = updater/ ; This is a file with all the files you want to update. ; You can create this file with help of "Patch builder". Data = update.txt [GameServer] ; This is an IP address of you FL server. Ip = ; And also port. Port = 2302
Edit it with your server information and save.
Now we going to create an update list. First step is to open “PatchBuilder.exe”. In first textbox you should select your mod folder. In second textbox you should select a path where you want to save your update list. Now simply click “Create” and it will create full update list of your mod. Now upload this list to your sever in “update” folder. Now try to run updater and it should start to path your standart freelancer folder. You can change your standart freelancer folder in registry.
@How it works:
This updater simply checks MD5 Hash of the file on the web with current one in your Freelancer folder. If it’s not the same it will delete current file and download new one. If curent file does not exist in Freelancer folder but on server, it will also download it.
After toying around with both updaters, I seem to like DSUpdate more, due to its convenience of starting with Freelancer, but whenever I run it, the updater downloads the file, but fails to extract it correctly. Anyone know what’s wrong?
Nice updater - LameUpdaterLT from Lineage2