Second docking rings not in visited list
I have made a dozen new stations in Freeworlds, which are second docking rings on planets (used for smuggling contraband).
When you have docked in such second docking ring’s base, then fly and land at another base, then open the trader screen and click a commodity, in the list of visited stations the smuggler bases don’t show up.
See below snapshot.The new bases work fine, handle trade fine etc. They are also properly added to mbases.ini
What configuration step may I have missed?
(in the list below, the newly added and visited stations don’t show up)
Most likely you didn’t follow the infocard convention.
From my info stuff in the TCM Starter Pack I am making (and thanks to Dragnite for pointing it out):
If you followed the tutorials you will notice that there is a second entry, in vanilla they are 1 higher in number and do not appear anywhere in the files except in the InfocardMap.ini, so be SURE to make these entries!
There is a specific reason for making the entries this way! The game engine, when these are numbered and placed correctly, will show you the base/planet info after you exit it and will now show what ships, equipment etc is for sale. If you fail to do this the info will NOT show!Example InfocardMap.ini entry:
Map = 492002, 492003
492002 The Start Planet raw stats are …
492003 The Start Planet description is… -
I found a tutorial in this link: is what you mean right?
I will try this. Thank you!
I tried this.
The infocard was working.But the station still didn’t turn up in the visited stations list.
I noticed there was another docking ring missing, one that already existed, that was visited and also didn’t turn up in the list.
So I guess that if a planet has two docking rings, the second one will have this bug.;******Planet ******
nickname = KESS_10
ids_name = 590146
ids_info = 65638
pos = 59249, 0, 20665
rotate = 0, 0, 0
archetype = planet_neutron_800
atmosphere_range = 1200
burn_color = 225, 255, 255
spin = 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
visit = 1
reputation = gd_bh_grp
base = KESS_10_Base;planet main docking ring
nickname = KESS_10_dock_ring
ids_name = 590146
ids_info = 65645
archetype = dock_ring
behavior = NOTHING
pilot = pilot_solar_easy
dock_with = KESS_10_Base
pos = 60097.5281, 0, 19816.4719
rotate = 0, 135, 0
reputation = gd_bh_grp
difficulty_level = 1
space_costume = im_black_head, ci_mandalorian1_body, prop_hat_ci_manda_helmet1
voice = atc_leg_m01
visit = 1
;planet second (smugglers) docking ring
nickname = KESS_10_smug_dock_ring
ids_name = 590172
ids_info = 65729
archetype = dock_ring_berth
behavior = NOTHING
pilot = pilot_solar_easy
dock_with = KESS_10smug_Base
pos = 58049, 0, 20665
rotate = 0, -90, 0
reputation = fc_j_grp
difficulty_level = 1
space_costume = im_black_head, ci_mandalorian1_body, prop_hat_ci_manda_helmet1
voice = atc_leg_m01
visit = 1
;–> the second docking ring can be docked with, but won’t show up in the list of visited stations when you are docked at the next station.
Where have you defined your KESS_10smug_Base?
Kess_10_Base and Kess_10smug_Base are just separate bases, each with their own entry in universe.ini and in mbases.ini
The planet has one “base =” setting which makes that docking ring the main docking ring. So when you target the planet itself, and press dock, it will go to that docking ring to dock. Adding the other docking ring with a “base =” setting does not help.
I just think I missed some setting somewhere to get this effect (so I’m asking for advice), that the second docking ring doesn’t turn up in the visited stations list. Or that it is a feature or bug, that we cannot change, like adoxa is suggesting.
Qi__ wrote:
I just think I missed some setting somewhere to get this effect (so I’m asking for advice)
A long time ago (in our own galaxy though) I had a similar problem, which I posted at the TLR forum. Chips replied that the bases in the market files need to be in alphabetical order (of the actual object names, irrelevant of the bases’ in-game names. So, if you would make a Bu_ base, it would need to come after the Br_ entries and before the Bw_ ones in the market files.)
This advice did help me back then, but I haven’t researched it beyond that. You could try and see if it works.
Actually, I suggested that you can change it, by making the strid_name and ids_name equals, but I forgot to mention that you need to include the base line with the docking ring, as well.
;planet second (smugglers) docking ring
nickname = KESS_10_smug_dock_ring
ids_name = 590172
dock_with = KESS_10smug_Base
base = KESS_10smug_Base
nickname = KESS_10smug_Base
strid_name = 590172
[…]Of course, you probably want to change ids_name to match strid_name, so it shows up as the base name, not as the docking ring name.
StarTrader wrote:
Where have you defined your KESS_10smug_Base?Get my meaning now?
You didn’t define the second base anywhere, mbases.ini and universe.ini are only parameters.
Planets, stations and ships are OK but I don’t know if you can define it on a docking ring.
You may need to make a duplicate planet in the same position as the main planet, and define your base on it. It could be smaller so it’s inside the main planet and won’t show. Then the second docking ring would work. And you should then also be able to select the planet to dock on it (you can’t dock in this way with more than one docking ring).
Adoxa’s suggestion worked. When I added the base = setting to the docking ring, two things happened
- The docking ring, if targeted, now showed the name of the base (before it only showed its reputation name)
- the base showed up in the visited list
But I will also make market_commodities.ini alphabethic
Thank you!