The-Starport FLServer ?
Hey - I told you how to remove Freelancer on the other topic where you started blasting modders without cause.
There are currently (this very minute!) 622 players playing FL, most of them on mods.
You are so far the only one who has not been able to remove a mod - but then you’re not listening to our help.
As I told you there, you are in the Lions’ den. But you are among friends - for now!
Your FL CD is certainly not ruined by any mod. It is NOT possible to overwrite a CD. If it read and installed once it will read and install again.
So - Have a cup of coffee or tea or Bovril or Horlicks, Coke, Peanut Juice, whatever calms you down, then go and follow my instructions and then report back in the other topic, this one is for a different subject.
Here’s the link to get you there… -
Yes, read to the information on here please and stop making totally irrational and hysterical claims.
1. Your cd as already mentioned will not be damaged by mods
2. Imagination is the key to all mods and there are plenty of people on here with plenty of that. (Was going to say full of it but that would have been misunderstood for sure rofl). Like you correctly say, it’s not all about adding in ships, there is so much more that has been added to many mods by some very talented modders making them very interesting to play.
But all this discussion is pointless as in your universe the earth is square and will stay so. FL looks a lot better now than it did before due to the various addons made by the community here, but again i guess you won’t be seeing these wonderful effects. Not running the game still in 800x600 are you?
I know its been done before but freelancers almost at a point were the people left are mostly modders and still some of the best about.
I would like too see a pooled effort mod to truly sum up all other mods into one.
The way i see it, with the massive jumps made in last couple of years in understanding an minipulation of freelancer no mod ive seen truly pushes it too what could be done with some imagination and some of your guys tallent.
Flak88 seemed wild and out there
way back when
but as it was developed it produces so many changes that by the end is it taking real advantage of the break throughs made.(free plug) Fox just usin Flak as example cos its such a unique mod
puttin some of u coders w0dk4 / motah / adoxa to work on a single goal with some of unique ideas could push hook to being the new unthinkably good.
the engine can take alot more than ive seen it do so far.
Now im an ideas man, i can do a bit of everything
just not as indepth in individual skills as many of you can.when it comes to different modders with diff styles i think under the right banner it can be easily compensated for due to the fact that what makes a truly great mod is the ability to be varied, to have more than one style, to be everything to everyone not just one mans play thing.
i know this is something that will prob never come to light along with attempts to make freelancer 2 ect but i know id drop rebalance to work on a team with you guys if we were to get all the minds here and pool them into one force.
need to convince the greats to join !
I went to bed at 8:00am and got up at 8:45… and im to tired to read every comment so if this has been said i apologise…and if this makes no sense… pssshtt. i care not.
Could we maybe put in some sort of competion for each month, 2 months… with some kind of prize, im not sure what, maybe an upgrade for ship for any kind of arranged large scale battle that might take place…
Ya. that makes less sense the more i read it…
StarTrader is a bigmadmklaeef zzzzzzzzz <-- sleeping…
Joking ST.
have to disagree with tanjitsu. the guys we know of are mostly modders but due to my playing experience on venoms dawn of war and on the dedicated 88flak server and new universe (though i started playing pretty late and stopped soon) there are lots of simple players out there, huge amounts of germans and russians, some frenchs and few canadians. most americans and pretty many germans are modders but out there are still many players who have pretty much no idea of modding. many do not even know of mods or how to get started with them which is, why freelancer is dying out slowly but definately. however at least my enthusiasm gives me strong belief that it is our duty and ability to change it massively.
Can’t agree on vanilla, can’t agree on mods…
Community servers have been tried in the past, and never really succeed. I think that’s because the idea of the server isn’t decided before it is put up.
Is it to advertise other mods? Or their features?
Is it to provide a place to play with each other without requiring a huge download?
Is it just to have fun/community spirit?You could consider a mod rotation of mods that have no server? Some older mods perhaps…that way it isn’t in competition with anyone (although stability may be an issue).
Alternatively, you can try getting folks to contribute, but what happens when someone needs to make a change quickly? A whole re-issue? If you include features of all these mods, you’d need them to work hard together - is that possible? Do you really want to deal with all those egos?
Or just go vanilla with some server side changes. Harder PC’s and the occasional invasion or increased police presence / patrols / piracy along the more popular trade routes (ie as people increase trade along one route, you can (server side) increase the piracy frequency by NPC’s on that route… and their ferocity/difficulty, which may make the route decrease as they find alternatives, or it may increase cooperation between players etc).
Just my thoughts
Either way, administering the server will take time.
here start off with this i just made it. no server is runing it add what you want then change the version number. -
When I make a comment on the lines of “too many hands…” people react badly.
Here’s another case in point.
When did this topic start?
And how long have we been talking?
Yep. Just another coffee-shop.
Just get on and put anything on, admins.
Then at least there will be SOMETHING, not just a lot of cud-chewing.
Only dictatorships work, that’s my most recent philosophy.
FL-Strike? No dictatorships? (Ships of Dictators)
Are you still in interest of the server?
Any news?
Without any offense intended.
Thats ok w0dk4 we still love you… sort of