NPC info offers
So I’m looking through MBases.ini, and there are the two things related to knowledge (know =, knowdb= ), but I’m having trouble figuring out the parameters.
So far I figure that it’s:
know = (offer ids_info), (?), (price?), (required level?) knowdb = (nickname of object to give info about)
The question is such:
What is the second number (that I’ve marked with a question mark)? It’s always a resource number within NameResources.dll, but the ids_name resource at that index is empty for every instance I’ve checked so far.The only think I can think of so far is that the second index is what to append to the in-game offer after the price, but since they’re all just a space I haven’t been able to verify. If so, why are there hundreds of essentially empty strings in the dll when they could all just point towards a single index?
Also, is the assumption about the 3rd and 4th parameters right?
Thanks in advance!
I just found that tutorial a few days ago :), the bit I was missing was the knowledgemap.ini entry where the JH, Zone, base whatever is referenced.
The vanilla game mbase appear to use sequential IDS numbers so that’s what I’ve done, although they’re not really empty as I found FL Dev needed a space in the name box to save the number.
The “empty” number displays253617 -
253618 - (these are from the Vanilla entries)in Fl Dev’s current DLL content column
adoxa wrote:, turns out that search box on the top left covers everything but the wiki unless you specifically tell it to. Sorry about that.
The second string is added after the info has been accepted. For example, I changed 253628 to "57020 " (its resource number, just copying all the Manhattan ones from the resource source) and got "The information has been uploaded into your Neural Net. 57020 ". Direct customization is possible by changing that message directly (16126). Just make it “%s0” and only that second string will be displayed (probably not a good idea, though, since it still needs to be a unique number for KnowledgeMap, so you’d have a fair bit of duplication).
I can’t quite follow what you mean, which bothers me…
I had just convinced myself that the second number is not a ids_name at all, just a simple reference number. I’ve just used 100010001 and it worked fine. At least, I did not notice any problems.
FLSpew/Spit proves me wrong: WARNING: Failed to load ids: 10001001
This kinda sucks, as I generate al my System and Base files with XML-script, to get the max out of the GENERATESTRRES and GENERATEXMLRES functions. I’ve figured out how to involve InfocardMap.ini in this, but fail to see a solution for KnowledgeMap.ini…
Apart from typing something meaningful for each and every pair of linked ids_names :-x
Knowledge DB works only for SP? I do not remember…