BP Oil Disaster
What I find funny and sad is that a lot of americans (okay only like 10% but thats still 10% too many) think that the disaster was caused by environmental activists as a demonstration against oil.
Also, BP is simply insane for only having one valve on that oil pipeline - I mean thats like saying we no longer have redundancies in nuclear power plants as regards the cooling system.
w0dk4 wrote:
What I find funny is that… [some people ] think that the disaster was caused by environmental activists as a demonstration against oil.That is funny!
There are only a handful of submarines in the world capable of working at that depth, and forget about divers. Most well-funded terrorist groups could not even cause such a problem – there is no way that activists could!
Fixing the leak is an enormous technical problem.
As you say, w0dk4, it is surprising that the question of “how to fix a leak in 1500 meters of water” was not discussed before they began drilling!
BearClaws wrote:
Pretty much all of the worst States in the US are going to be destroyed by flaming tornadoes while it’s flooding. I don’t see the problem here.FYI we all share the same planet here.
I thought a lot about this stuff in general lately. It seems to me now that chances of maintaining more-or-less healthy ecology for like 200 years are slim with current population growth, unless there’s some miracle waiting for us.
Ever since the world wars the human race hasn’t lived “sustainably” because from then on all our food products use ammonium/ammonium-nitrate fertilizers to produce far more product than was ever possible. These “super fertilizers” are what keeps our current population feed at least. And on the flaming tornadoes haven’t i heard that before cough XKCD cough. Anyway, there are a lot of factors to our current existence, far to many for me to contemplate or be bothered to investigate.
My 2c
BearClaws wrote:
Well, fortunately…
I don’t see the problem here.Well since you are clearly not joking, here it is…
You are one seriously thoughtless, obnoxious, self-centred, senseless and immature child.
One day you will learn by the hard way that it is necessary for you to change your outlook.
Of course if you are joking…
Forgive the above retort, and…
Haha! Nice one! ROFL!
But it’s not funny, really. Bad taste.
oh, cmon, ofc it was a joke. a quite cynic joke but i like it in a certain way and WHERE THE FR*** is the damned rofl button!
cough sorry…
whatever… i remember some fair days back on the old board of Station Network where i participated a discussion about god and the world and stuff like what were talking about here
one thread mentioned that another translation mistake shall be found in the bible, whereas in the original version of Genesis it sais, not that Lord created the world but only settled it with life. to us, scifi freaks a conclusion is clear: the evolution might have taken place. Lord is not a spirit but really living “upon” or better say: on a distant planet. Lord even created all of the creatures, as all evolution might have been programmed in the codes these aliens programmed into the DNA or whatever of the first organic cell they laid down on the earth for an experiment.another thingy: the Maya and Dec. 21st 2012
someone believes it? me do! no, no end of the world. but how is it possible, that independant ancient cultures built the very same pyramids for their gods and their authorities? how did they orient the pyramids to the north and south so many years ago to such preciseness? maya did as well. i think there is another creature that controled or at least helped to build those, if even not ordered. also this amazing maya calendar, with such a long range up to multiple thousands of years, this is incredible! i think, Lord is coming back to earth in order to see how his experiment is going. and once theire here, once they establish “First Contact” this will finally unite us humans again to a barely communistic mind just like the union of coalition and alliance on approach of the nomads to the Sol System.yeah, sounds crazy, doesn’t it?
but do you see another way for mankind to get back to sensibility than contact with an alien species? what else could be more impressing? i think its a theory and i really like this theory as it contains elements from Star Trek, Stargate and Freelancer, too. somehow all science fiction tries to tell us the very same story.btw: there is a pseudo-science called “Atlantology” that is also convinced of an alien race controling ancient cultures, combining this with both the pyramids buildings and the Atlantis disaster. oh, and once back to pyramids: the cheops were build of stones brought from one egypt down the Nil. how was it possible, that no piece broke off and no ship sank and no piece is back on the way? maybe a STARGATE???
Now you’re being a silly billy, my friend!
If aliens come the Yanks will blast them and the final war will start.
If Jesus comes back they’ll ignore him, lock him up in a loonie bin, or kill him all over again, depending on which country he lands in. He might be here already. Who would believe him if he used the same words of peace and love? Hippies and other drug-users? Maybe!
The USSR doesn’t exist so there is no KGB any more to accuse him of spying. And nobody else will listen. Ah - hold on! China!? What about China, huh? Maybe.
God’s “The Human Experiment” is really over. 12 tribes were planted here, in different locations on this planet. The bible says so and I think so does the Koran as, like the Old Testament, it refers to the 12 Tribes. Each has a different DNA chain. We found each other - but only 10 DNA chains. OK, maybe we annihilated the other 2 or maybe they were unsuccessful and just died out. Or maybe they can see what’s going on and are keeping hidden and quiet! Or maybe they ARE the aliens and have already colonised nearby space?!
And we don’t like each other, not even in the same tribe, let alone 10 or 12 tribes!
We are now creating life by artificial means. We can (and I am sure we have) clone humans as well as sheep.
Look at Yank movies - We can do almost everything God did in the Bible, including blast the Stone Tablets of the Ten Commandments for Moses, talk in loud voices from the sky, hang a “star” over Jesus’ birthplace (by helicopter), we can nuke Sodom and Gomorrah any time - but today poofs are roaming freely and openly everywhere and even marrying each other as if that form of dementia were a normality, and the real normality, the family unit, is diminished.
The only thing we don’t have is space travel at light speed. I hope we never get it, we will be a plague on the universe. Hopefully the Ancient Races or First Ones or whatever they are called will not allow us to get it. They should blast us on sight, we are not peace-seekers but seek power and control over all others. Except Captain Kirk, and Spock, and Bones that is.
Disasters - Has anyone referred to the bible to see how many pf the predicted disasters we have already had and how many are left before Armageddon?
Egyptian Wonders - actually one did crack as they were carving it from solid rock, it was one of the monolith pillars and they left it as it was, we saw it.
Anyway - BearClaws wrote an inflammatory post and this grey rabbit is in a grumpy mood again, as you can see from this one, so if he was joking it’s - well almost - ok, just a bad joke - but if not he knows what I think. I’m articulate and a good communicator, like we are all supposed to be!
Who gives a toss? Even I won’t tomorrow.
Atishoo!! -
Well this is by far the biggest single catastroph ever caused by us humans.
One fact we had on the news here in switzerland:
If the oil reaches the golf stream (in german golfstrom hopefully golf stream is right) it can cool him down by 1-2 grades.
Because the golf stream brings warm water to northern europe it would mean that the winter in the north european cost will be 10-15 grades colder.
Thats not not a joke its from a scientist from the university of zurich. -
I love winter and the uber big advantage of oil in the gulf stream is. We can try to burn it or rip the oil out of the water - so we can save our own efforts to get oil. Thanks BP
In america fire twisters, in europe utterly coldness - all in all - balanced.
I am glad to know that earth will survive us and that i dont need to see its end - hopefully.
Bad taste of sarcasm u got there.
I can not understand how u can do jokes about such a thing.
Would u say so if it was next to where u live?Or are just to silly to understand the situation?
What happens there will cause US (the guests on this planet) problems we can even imagine rightnow.
Even if it would its a biological desaster killing houndrets of animals not just in the golf.Also please remember that still thousands of gallons leak out into the ocean and if u took a look at the live stream once a day like it do since i found the link 2 weeks ago u will not belive that they can suck a part of the oil through a bulk they (imaginary) installed.
Wana know why? Cause the fu§&ing oil u see in the stream did grow constantly since the last week.Man man man … grow up and learn to carry some responsibility for what happens there!
Mind out!!!
Edit: Sry for the being so personally in this post but Hours post makes me so damn angry, its not funny not even with sarcasm!
Here you can follow it all.
DiscoveryThis morning i was looking to a documentary from it. And what they doing.
With a special ship and kind of filter, the try to filter the oil out of the sea. But it’s not enough i’m afraid.
But can’t find that movie hereIt’s maybe hard to say. But i don’t worry for the people.
I’m worry more for the animals at land but more the seaworld.
People always find a way to help themselves.:evil:
I see I started a Grumpy trend here.
On the technical side - the simplest method would have been to make a large long metal structure to lay over the broken pipe, with a large-bore up-feed pipe to take oil to the surface, and fitted with down-feed pipes and then put down concrete through the down-feed pipes to enclose the broken pipe.
There! I just fixed it. Better than the round metal funnel they tried, and also beats using human hair and hairy swimmers to mop it up!
It is an emotional subject, it will affect hundreds of thousands if not millions of animals and birds, and sealife, it has already ruined so many coastal areas and will continue to ruin many more.
I don’t think it will cool the Gulf Stream, it will probably have the opposite effect, of insulating it from heat loss to the atmosphere and keeping it warm.
This world is bigger than we think, it can take care of itself and if we become too big a threat it will try to wipe us out to start again, and when it is ready to do it, it will manage to do it. We cannot affect Global Warming, an Ice Age, nor an Asteroid Strike, nor the Ozone Layer, these are ploys of devious scare-mongering “scientists” who think we are all fools, just to keep themselves earning nice big fat salaries by lecturing, rather than doing anything more strenuous that might be productive - or getting a real job. And politicians love supporting them because they are always looking for that controversial edge.
Sadly, coming back to the things we can control, it is only this kind of disaster that causes the big boys to rethink the way they do things, we can safely bet that there will be some significant changes to the regulations and requirements for equipment and pipelines of this type from now on. Problem is they can’t be easily retro-fitted.
What it should have done also is to remind us that 20 years ago we were being pressured into stopping the use of oil and going to cleaner energy. We the public, that is. Industry? Car manufacturers? Nah, that didn’t happen, the car count has increased by who knows - over 100%? wouldn’t surprise me - and they are still burning petrol and diesel. And airlines have increased flights, there are also more ships… - what recession?!!
The real cause is that industry runs the world.
And in this disaster the sad thing (insignificant in relation to the damage to life and the environment of course) is that it had to be BP and not Exxon, Texaco, or Chevron etc. Heads will roll for sure, and President Obama’s mob is being far heavier on BP than they would have been on one of their own companies I would suspect.
This is based on one of the hearings that I watched on TV where BP was asked to agree to pay all costs of the cleanup (which they did) and then - to pay the lost Tax Revenues for the oil that was lost in the spillage! Hahahaha! Jokers or what?
Calm down. I visit the BP site everyday and watched the live stream several hours now. If I would find it funny i wouldn’t do so. I am interested to see this damn leak closed and am still surprised to see that they cant manage to close it -> because they don’t want to close it - otherwise they would already have done it.
My sarcasm was sarcasm. Period.
I started a thread on SWAT (now more than 4 weeks ago and one day earlier than here - so please save your comments about my responsibility and my ignorance!) about that topic before it was started here and i posted there several updates on the current progress over there. BTW i am in no way responsible for what happened there - so responsibility was maybe a wrong word. Responsible are the US, BP, Transocean the carrier of the sunken Deepwater Horizon as well as Halliburton who did the cementing…. You can claim them - but not me.
The LMRP cap installed at the top of the well of the BOP only collects parts of the total oil gush. As no spilled amounts of oil is known you can only assume how many parts are collected and how many still soil the gulf. Worst guesses are up to 25.000 barrels each day - and they have collected now more than 27.000 barrels within 3 days - so after my calculation still more parts are gushing into the gulf.
And now i wish you further good posts without painting everything black!
To Sarcasm, To Wit, and to Rational thinkers alike ponder these two small points a moment.
IF you do Deep Sea Drilling in a sensitive Biosphere for a toxic substance but do not have ANY Workable Contingency if something goes wrong at the seabed. Then should deep sea drilling be allowed?
IF you are responsible for one of, if not the largest, ecological disasters in human history. Shouldn’t you spend more of your energy on fixing it than a Public Relations Spin deflecting blame on things as bizarre as insinuating Louisiana bayou shrimp fishermen are Anti-British.
BP, They don’t care where your company is from, your starving their children.
The danger this spill presents as “Flaming Tornadoes,” that might sell in a Hollywood thriller. Unlike fresh from the well head most the light volatile stuff has evaporated off when it gets to beach. That black brown gooey sludge is really thick and mixed with a lot of what fire fighters use to put out flames. If you have ever had a cracked head or leaking gasket on a engine that mixed the oil and coolant you have seen a really thin version of the sludge.
Sadly, what is forgotten is the diverse sea life this effects. Here is a sample of just human food sources Shrimp, Gulf Sturgeon, Red Drum, Florida Stone Crab, Spiny Lobster, Red, mutton, gray, dog, lane, and yellowtail, Snappers, Scallops, Oysters, Blue Crab, The goliath, red, gag, and yellowfin Groupers, Menhaden, Mullet, Bluefin Tuna, King and Spanish Mackerel, Spotted Seatrout, Cobia, Greater Amberjack, Plus many more less interesting or more nitch foods such as Shark, People do eat it you know…
You’re absolutely right Wolf. But it’s all about money, not sealife or people. And other people still want their motors, which still use petroleum fuel products…
Catch 22 for now.