Site Feel,Layout & Speed
when making long posts and taking time with it… you time out & get the “session expired” message still… forcing you to copy your post & re-login to send it.
Apart from that… I’m a happy camper
Xarian_Prime wrote:
when making long posts and taking time with it… you time out & get the “session expired” message still… forcing you to copy your post & re-login to send it.Apart from that… I’m a happy camper
Don’t know how you have set when you log in, but do you have mark the “remember me” ?
This could be a problem if you haven’t and the cookie expired.
Same problem as on our forum -
ah… yes, thanks witchy
I’ve been trusting Mozilla to remember such things (i normally check the “keep logged in”) I’ll check my settings latter.
thats something i didnt think of.
the dotted underdotted links. that would help make things look cleaner. as some ads do the same thing. and not having that would make keep your site links from looking like ads.
i use flock & i got the same message when doing a short post. which can make no sense to some that are new to the site.
and when you go to delete a message & you click “delete” it goes to another page & the " are you sure you want to delete" is hidden. took me forever to come to my sense that it was asking me.
Can we please have a smiley pack that has a ROFL?
Several of us would like some humour here!
Any seconders?
Seconded, hard to find good ones though…
StarTrader wrote:
ROFL?Take a closer look at your keyboard, ST:
It should create something like this:
ST’s button is broken due to overuse.
i give Credit to Ramirez admin of SwwT for posting this Image
- i found your ROFL fix. quickly hands over the image*
Hey that’s perfect, thanks!! Where / how can I get it?
you have to use image code. so it displays just the image not the link. theres a botton at the top when you make a post that lets you add a image click that. but the code is. just remove the - so that it displays correct than add the image link in the middle
Got it, sorry, wasn’t thinking - just copied the location and saved it. Thanks again, you’ll see my new pal often!
iv noticed that the site loads faster.
iv also noticed that the site will start to load a page than break the loading of the page. which might be my conntection
the site looks great & feels great.
i argee that the blue & black look of the site is very welcoming. iv gotten used to the site. only wish the forum type was that of SwwT. just the way the forum works. its slick looking. & the speed was alittle better. but again the speed might just be my connection.
also when taking to long making a post. such as this post. it times out & makes you have to do it again.
overall the site is great. i dont go looking for stuff to post at. due to connection. but il start looking thro & start posting. im sure i can find something to post about.
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warlordfmike wrote:
also when taking to long making a post. such as this post. it times out & makes you have to do it again.
Have post this earlyer in this thread, maybe you overlooked it.
But that problem could be, if you logged in, and didn’t mark the
“remember me”If you don’t do that, the cookie expires and than you loose connection, during long inactivity.
And it’s always handy to make in in a notepath file, if you plan to make longer posts. To avoid double typing
Nah, afaik it is a problem with the session.
And it’s always handy to make in in a notepath file, if you plan to make longer posts. To avoid double typing
Or even better, just install the Lazarus Fx addon: is definitivly one of the best addons I have used of all times. (Just a click to restore an old text field, uh!)