[General Tutorials] Giant Suns
248.4k, that’s really looking like you’re simply hitting the 250k draw distance.
250000f in Freelancer.exe, 0x210534 = far plane of view frustum (nothing will be drawn beyond this) 0x210534 = 1.1
Just open up Freelancer.exe with your favorite Hex editor, go to the proper Hex address (both are the same, so just pick one) and change that to something higher. The value is 250 000 in 32bit Float.
If you need help on how to use Hex editors, I believe there are tutorials and guides scattered around the forum. The Archive may also hold answers.
There is a tutorial for how to use the basic HexPlorer hex editor in my Dev’s Limit Breaking 101 topic - http://the-starport.net/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=26&topic=403.0
Hope this helps.