[Freelancer Mod News]Freeworlds: Tides of War - Ship Teaser
Over the past few weeks you’ve seen that the Freelancer engine still has a few years of life in her with the new graphic updates we hope to bring to the game with DX9. W0dk4 is still very much busy pushing the limits of the engine and is at the moment working on normal maps and possible shadow mapping. This is no easy process, particularly without the source code of Freelancer. FriendlyFire recently took a screenshot showing the new effects in action in a battle!
So, to give W0dk4 a break, I thought I’d show you some of our finished ship models, with fully funtioning effects, viewable interior cockpits, animated wings and other good things you might notice. Before you view the video, I also must thank the First Strike Development Team and the X-Wing Alliance Upgrade Project for use of their models, some of which you’ll see in this video.
I hope you enjoy this small ship teaser and stay tuned for updates!
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Freeworlds: Tides of War - Ship Preview video - Mod DB
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