[Freelancer Mod News]Freeworlds: Tides of War - New Star Wars ship models and infocard interface
We have been extremely lucky of late to have an influx of such high quality modellers/texturists on the team. With such talent, we decided to make another look at our shiplist and revamp some of the models we thought needed some love. If you’ve been following this mod in the past few months, you’ve seen the incredible contributions from Kalo, Dr. Knickers and Lord X. This news piece showcases the brilliant pieces of art completed by Sizer.The first ship up to be redone was our I7 Howlrunner. The model we originally had fit the schematic seen below completely
That being said, we felt as a development team that the model itself was a little bland. Similarly to what we did with the E-Wing, we let Sizer used some of his artistic creativity and make the model much more pleasing to the eye.
As you can see the little bit of detailing and altering to the model really put it in line with some of our more stunning ships.
After seeing this fabulous work of art, I asked Sizer to take a look at our T-Wing. It was in the same boat as the I7 Howlrunner; canon model but bland.
Given the same artistic freedom he used with the I7, Sizer created this:The Corellians have Sizer to thank for the wonderful remodelling of their core fighters!
And, saving the best for last, Sizer also went to work on our Escort Carrier. I was so pleased with the results!
Using this boring schematic:
As you can see, the graphic design team is absolutely top notch and we all are lucky to have them devote their time and efforts on this mod.
The last thing that I wanted to show our loyal fans was regarding a new infocard system. For those of you unfamiliar with Freelancer, infocards contain statistics about the vessel as well as background information regarding the development and purpose of the ship. Currian, our lead infocard writer, has really gone above and beyond my expectations with the creation of some of the most informative and interesting infocards I’ve seen in Freelancer. As well, with Adoxa’s hack, he’s created a very user friendly system which divides the information into background and technical specifications. Below is a video demonstration of the new infocard system:
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