For ping command download this one:
http://cid-1105a8f9b697e3cc.office.live.com/self.aspx/FLHook/flhook1.5.5 userPing.zip
Copy files from bin folder to freelancer\exe. Then open up FLHook.ini and edit it as you want. Then open up dacomsrv.ini (in freelancer\exe folder) and under [Libraries] add FLHook.dll.
Just launch freelancer server afterwards and when a console comes up type setadmin “yourcharactername” superadmin.
I suggest reading the readme file since it contains explanations for all commands and how to use FLHook.
Don’t know if anyone has made a /tax command yet.
For setadmin you need to enter a name of character that you created on your server. Because the character you created will have the ability to use all the admin commands.
In the above example ‘Trent’ is now the admin. For all commands just type help in the console.
ofc, the server is a different application. you only have the admin rights as long as the flhook runs. you can test them out ingame.
all general commands are available with /<command></command> and special admin commands with .<command></command>
oh, and it might be of importance, what operating system you use. -
i I tried everything but Does not work
can some one tell me about fianlly picture in link , because i am noob
w0dk4 wrote:
Patch installed?http://the-starport.net/freelancer/download/singlefile.php?cid=1&lid=2639
thx very much ,i never forget this help.